Grant Proposal: The Graph Series

Grant ID: 8686qwcd6


I suggest The Graph Series, a series of articles and corresponding mini-movies explaining The Graph for an audience not having even basic insight about blockchain and Web 3! And I’m sure I will accomplish such the ambitious mission with your help! Together we are the great team and positive power! :muscle:

One of the key obstacle of Web 3 adoption is that the majority of people do not understand it in basics and therefore suspicious towards it. I’m resolving this issue by explaining The Graph to an audience not having a basic blockchain insight.

I have read and agree to the privacy policy:

Describe what your project does or is aiming to do in 50 characters or less:
Series of articles and movies explaining The Graph

If available, please enter a link to your project below:
My YouTube channel: My TG channel: Telegram: Contact @cryptorocky The first article and mini-movie of The Graph Series are already ready as examples! The next articles will be enriched with my custom graphics, enjoy the example of one here (this one Telegram: Contact @cryptorocky is for the article about Polkadot).

How far along are you?:
Just starting.

Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you’re making?:
I’m a crypto enthusiast from 2020, and have many connections in this field. I have been noticing all the time that people have a lack of basic insight about the blockchain technology. They are mostly aware in finance side of crypto. The Graph is an advanced and revolutionary project in the context of technology, so it requires advanced and enhanced explanatory methods and product to make insight about it for the people.

I was inspired by the courses on The Graph Academy that provided me a quick and brilliant deep dive into The Graph ecosystem. At the same time, I noticed, that you need to have some insight about blockchain, software and web operation to get to such deep dive from the courses.

Yes, I have domain expertise in educating, scientific work and explanations. Among examples are my scientific papers:

Articles in International Scientific Journals:
• Yaraslau Zubrytski. Super–light metainterfaced plasmon–polaritons. ( International Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 3, pp. 26–28, 2018.

Publications in Conference Abstract Books:
• Yaraslau Zubrytski, Alex Malevich, Elena Shalamberidze, George Pitsevich, Valdas Sablinskas. Theoretical study of the rovibrational spectrum of water molecule trapped in argon matrix in the v1 and v3 spectral regions. ( 60th International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences “Open Readings 2017”. Presentation. Programme and abstracts. Vilnius University, 2017, p. 128.
• Yaraslau Zubrytski. Super–light metainterfaced plasmon–polaritons. ( 14th International Young Scientist Conference “Developments in Optics and Communications 2018”. Book of Abstracts. OSA, University of Latvia Student Chapter, 2018, p. 27.
• Yaraslau Zubrytski. Multi-dimensionality effect on 2D Hamiltonian model of methyl hydroperoxide. ( 15th International Young Scientist Conference “Developments in Optics and Communications 2019”. Book of Abstracts. OSA, University of Latvia Student Chapter, 2019, p. 59.
• Yaraslau Zubrytski. Tops torsional vibrations in methyl hydroperoxide. ( 16th International Young Scientist Conference “Developments in Optics and Communications 2020”. Book of Abstracts. OSA, University of Latvia Student Chapter, 2020, p. 31-32.

My interview:

What’s new about what you’re making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn’t exist yet (or they don’t know about it)?:
I haven’t seen a categorized step by-step series on The Graph explaining it at the most basic level with a focus on an audience with no basic knowledge of blockchain. I think people resort to various substitutes from direct question in The Graph communities to AMA’s and existing videos on YouTube.

What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
Simple explanations are always attractive and spark interest among various audiences, not only newbies in the blockchain world, but also developers, fintech enthusiasts, marketing professionals, entrepreneurs and venture enthusiasts. We will have a broad impact in various ways among all the audiences.

How will you measure success?:
Views, reads, feedbacks, community growth, questions from blockchain enthusiasts.

What milestones will you achieve in the coming weeks/months, with or without the grant?:
The Graph ecosystem further research, video design about Delegator role in The Graph, article about Curator role.

Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Curators, Delegators, Subgraph Developers, Other

How much funding are you looking for? (USD):

Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:
5 mini-movies and articles about:

  1. Delegator role
  2. Data Consumer role
  3. Developer role
  4. Curator role
  5. The Graph network operation as a whole

$1100 per each set of mini-movie, article and translated mini-movie into three languages (live translation and voiceover, without AI)

Breakdown for each set:
$130 — article preparation (research, graphics design, writing)
$250 — scenario development, mini-movie design & production
$300 — animation production for the mini-movie
$100 — graphics design for the mini-movie (YT thumbnail, arts and images used in the mini-movie)
$200 — SEO activities
$100 — translation and translated mini-movie production into three languages: Belarusan, Ukrainian and Russian
$20 — graphics design for translated mini-movie

Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:

If yes, please describe where you’ve received funding from and how much you have, or will, receive:
I received funding from The Graph Advocates DAO for the contributions as The Graph Advocate, from Rubic Exchange Foundation for the contributions as Rubic ambassador, and from Aptos Foundation as Aptos Testnet Node Runner.

Total funds received from The Graph Advocates DAO: 7301.4521 GRT ($1122.5 in equivalent for Dec 13)

Detailed breakdown and tx hashes:
2815.38 GRT –
131.3052 GRT –
522.483 GRT –
1324.8964 GRT –
711 GRT –
599.89 GRT –
334.7 GRT –
527.21 GRT –
334.5875 GRT –

Total funds received from Rubic Exchange Foundation: 136171.63 RBC ($3770.3 in equivalent for Dec 13)

Detailed breakdown and tx hashes:
3012 RBC –
537 RBC –
1381 RBC –
10889.63 RBC –
2990 RBC –
38790 RBC –
39605 RBC –
17089 RBC –
21878 RBC –

Total funds received from Aptos Foundation: 300 APT ($2490 in equivalent for Dec 13)

Detailed breakdown and tx hash:
300 APT –

Can you share any information about current/past web3 experience?:
I’m blockchain & cryptocurrency projects Ambassador with 4.5-years experience in IT industry. My strengths are technical and content writing, infographics, educational and market analysis videos, blockchain and cryptocurrency analytics, systemic research, blockchain nodes running and maintenance.

I am an active ambassador of The Graph project (Search, indexing and querying data engine for Web 3, Advocate in GraphAdvocates DAO), Rubic Exchange project (advanced cross-chain aggregator) and Oasis project (privacy-oriented ecosystem for Web 3). I’m actively involved in PostHumanDVS’s Cosmos Ecosystem Community and SatoshiFriends Cryptocurrency Market Enthusiasts community on Telegram and Twitter. Also I was a member of MantiCore community of testnet&mainnet node runners in Discord (May 2022-Jan 2023), but for now my involvement is paused due to a change of a focus of my activities in the decentralization world.

I’ve been working for, a company focused on blockchain analytics, block explorers and analytics tool design and development. Primary activities there were research of Mina blockchain, design of block explorer, and preparation of blockchain documentation, both technical and non-technical (user manuals, node setup guides, staking guides). Also I’ve been working for 4.5 years for a software development company in a field of distributed systems design and development.

I’m active mostly on Telegram, YouTube, Medium and Twitter, so I can offer a broad range of contributions: videos of any topic and design, infographics, informative Telegram posts and tweets, project analysis articles (technology, mass adoption potential, market performance, benefits and opportunities). My passion is to make both technical and non-technical contributions.

Examples of my contributions:

Video content:

What is Polkadot and how it may be useful? The Story for beginners.

What is Indexing in Web and how does The Graph do it? | Story #01. Basics of The Graph technology.

How to stake RBC token on Arbitrum? 52% APR for months, Rubic Exchange | Full guide


What is The Graph token (GRT) and why is it needed? Comparison of GRT and TWT tokens as an example.

How to bridge token between any blockchains in a minute: GRT token and Rubic tool + issues resolving

Is The Graph an AI project or not?

Introduction to The Graph & Web 3 (Video version)

How did I identify that The Graph project is promising for the mass adoption?

AMAs I hosted:

RBC token: gem or red flag? | DeFi Talks Show about Rubic token


What is Polkadot and how it may be useful? The Story for beginners.

Do you hear something like L0, L1, L2 all the time? Let’s explore what is it briefly and clearly!

Who you could be in The Graph ecosystem: Delegator. | Story #02. Support ecosystem and be rewarded.

What is an Indexing on the Web, and how does The Graph do it? | Story #01. A very basics of The Graph technology.

How did I identify that The Graph project is promising for mass adoption?

Mina Protocol F.A.Q in Simple Words

Introduction to The Graph & Web3

What is Ki Chain?

How to stake Mina from Clorio browser and desktop wallet using Ledger

How to stake HydraDX (HDX)

How to buy Osmosis coins on Osmosis decentralized exchange

How to buy ATOM on OKEx centralized exchange

What is Axelar project?

Graphic design:

DevOps in crypto (technical writing):

How to stake Mina from own Mina node (using command line)

A .sh script to get overall CPU load percentage on Ubuntu

Communities I’m moderating: – community – Telegram community for CIS Countries

My CV (click Download for open this pdf):

The current projects I am involved in testnets by running a test node:

  • Massa

My stopped testnet nodes:

  • IronFish
  • Paloma
  • Aptos
  • Masa Finance
  • Minima
  • Humanode
  • Ki Chain
  • Subspace
  • GnoLand

My Social media

(~1k subscribers)

Telegram channel
(~2000 subscribers)

(~30 subscribers)


Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:
I’m passionate about contributing to The Graph and Web3 because it makes the world more transparent, credible and safe for people. Trust-minimizing mechanics make web surfing secure and convenient, providing an experience mankind has never had before.
In my opinion, The Graph has one of the highest chances of making real blockchain and Web3 adoption because data indexing is an immanent component of the Web and the industry has high demand for this. The Graph already proved that its technology operates in a stable, credible and transparent way, and I’m glad to help The Graph make it efficient and become a core of the Web 3 being built step by step.

Are you applying as a team or individual?:

What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Project (one-off)

Please select the category your project best fits into:

Primary Community Poll

Do you fundamentally support this grant application, knowing that the final scope and grant amount may differ from the requested proposal?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Grant Committee Vote

Do you recommend this grant to the DAO?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Subject: Appreciation for Your Work on The Graph Series

Dear CryptoRocky,

I would like to express my appreciation for the impressive work you have done as part of The Graph Series. The first mini-movie and the accompanying article on Indexing demonstrated your ability to convey complex topics related to blockchain and Web 3.0 with clarity and depth.

I understand the significant effort you have already invested in creating these contents. Your comprehensive exploration of the various roles and aspects of The Graph network is truly commendable.

The proposed continuation of The Graph Series with five additional mini-movies, corresponding articles, and translations into three languages is undoubtedly ambitious. The requirements for high-quality translations, audio recordings, and adjustments to fit new language tracks in the movies present a considerable additional workload.

I share your passion for making The Graph accessible to a wider audience, especially in the languages Belarusan, Ukrainian, and Russian. However, I believe it’s essential to carefully consider the scope of the content, especially if similar requests come in from other language communities.

Could we collaborate to explore ways to optimize the proposed scope to keep the effort within a realistic framework without compromising quality? Your work is invaluable, and I want to ensure it is appropriately recognized.

Thank you for your outstanding contribution, CryptoRocky. I look forward to finding a solution together that aligns with both your dedication and the available resources.

Best regards,

The Graph Germany


Dear Andy,

Thank you very much for such the warm words and support. I’m impressed and honoured by your appreciation. Already answered you in TG with my cooperation propositions, hope we will continue moving forward in this regard.

Many thanks for your wonderful remarks, I will consider them in my forward creation.

Yes, the translated mini-movies require high-quality organic translation from English (because the text was originally written in English ), audio track recording and shifting frames in the mini-movie to make it fit the new audio translations.

Grateful once again for your feedback!

Best Wishes,

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Overall, the proposal looks pretty awesome and what has been done in terms of experience really looks interesting from the side of a community contributor. I would still like to ask a few questions regarding the proposal that I am interested in at this stage:

  • How do you plan to measure the effectiveness of your educational content in increasing blockchain understanding among your audience?
  • What makes “The Graph Series” different from existing blockchain educational resources?
  • What strategies will you employ to ensure that your content remains accessible and engaging to a diverse global audience?
  • How do you envision “The Graph Series” contributing to the broader adoption of Web 3 technologies?
  • What metrics will you use to track community growth and engagement with your series?
  • How do you plan to incorporate user questions and feedback into future articles and mini-movies?




The presentation of the project will be in the public-voice-chat channel on the Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord server on January 9th at 10:00 UTC. Entrance is open and everyone is welcome to come in and ask their questions during the presentation!

Thanks everyone for your attention!


Hi @CryptoRocky ,

Thank you for your detailed application! First off I’d like to thank you for the content you’ve already created.

You mentioned in your application that you took a lot of inspiration from resources like The Graph Academy but that you need to have a basic understanding of blockchain technology before understanding the content of The Academy.

That differs from my personal experience a bit, because I went through the Graph Academy courses when I was brand new to crypto and they were a HUGE help for me to understand The Graph. But I could be totally wrong! So can you please describe in detail how the curriculum of the content you are proposing is differentiated from the existing entry-level resources?


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Hello @doxe01.eth!

Many thanks for your feedback! I had a great pleasure answering all the very constructive questions and systematized a canvas of my work due to them.

How do you plan to measure the effectiveness of your educational content in increasing blockchain understanding among your audience?

I use the following metrics to measure the effectiveness of my content:

  1. Views number. The clear parameter, indicating a basic interest in the topic. The first task is to focus initial attention, and this parameter demonstrates a capability to do so.
  2. Feedback from viewers (both positive and critical) is much appreciated. If a viewer leaves feedback, the content successfully triggered the viewer to do so, and it is an advanced movement in progress of viewers engagement.
  3. Onboarded students with the help of mini-movies. I’m demonstrating mini-movies in educational facilities to onboard promising students into The Graph ecosystem as Subgraph Developers and Various-types-of-code contributors. Please enjoy how it goes here in a video:
    From my personal experience, mini-movies help greatly in this regard. I provide a visual demonstration in addition to the oral story about The Graph, and it facilitates students enthusiasm and sparks their interest. After showing the mini-movie, students reached out to me and asked very detailed and constructive questions about The Graph technology. I’ve already interviewed four students and onboarded them to pass courses at The Graph Academy. Without mini-movie demonstrations, it would be harder to persuade them so quickly that The Graph is a global project aimed at transforming the Web all over the globe. After the mini-movie showing, the task was completed. Translation of mini-movies into three languages can enhance this effect and make mini-movies application more wide and international. Please see a full video report of the students onboarding and mini-movie demonstration to him here:
  4. Onboarded Advocates, growth of the DAO. I plan to offer to become The Graph Advocate at the end of each mini-movie, and track how many of them have joined to The Graph DAO group on Telegram and the newly created The Graph Belarus group.
  5. Feedback inside the The Graph Advocates program communities and The Graph communities. Very crucial parameter from experienced and newbie Advocates, allowing me to enhance the quality of my content and make it more efficient. The Graph DAO and The Graph communities. Many of The Graph enthusiasts are interested in enhancing their Graph technology insight, especially non-technical guys.

What makes “The Graph Series” different from existing blockchain educational resources?

  1. Accessibility and ease of use. A user just needs to click on video avatar and start watching. I’m already widespreading links to the first mini-movie in my dms for example, it takes 1 second to provide one.
  2. Affordability to all who is interested in blockchain technology and crypto. A user does not need to have any pre-knowledge. A basic introduction to what blockchain is integrated, so the user gains complex insight about blockchain technology and the role of The Graph inside it.
  3. Quickness. The first mini-movie is ~7 minutes in duration, the next mini-movies will be no more than 10 minutes in duration too.
  4. Free. A large part of blockchain and crypto courses costs money.
  5. Opportunities for a viewer. The viewer can join as a technical and non-technical contributor to The Graph after acquaintance with The Graph Series and be rewarded, or enhance their knowledge in a more detailed way at The Graph Academy proving their insight by completing quizzes.

What strategies will you employ to ensure that your content remains accessible and engaging to a diverse global audience?

  1. Widespreading it in various crypto communities that focused on various fields of blockchain and crypto.
  2. Work with SEO to make YouTube algorithm showing the mini-movies more in Recommendations.
  3. Demonstrate the mini-movies to students, probably conclude agreements with educational facilities (Universities and Colleges) in the future to give lectures about The Graph there.
  4. Show mini-movies to The Graph Belarus Team. 3 team members were already invited by me personally and started helping me. I will enhance their awareness and insight about The Graph using mini-movies to get them involved more quickly and create value with their help.

How do you envision “The Graph Series” contributing to the broader adoption of Web 3 technologies?

I watch an obvious lack of Web 3 awareness among the masses. If they have a basic understanding of blockchain, in the realm of Web 3, I encounter a complete lack of clarity. The situation is complicated by the fact that the audience in general also lacks clarity and insight into the principles of Web 2. And in order to explain the benefits of Web3 vs Web2, an understanding of such the audience must be created. Our goal is Web3 adoption, so Web3 topics must become mainstream to achieve this ambitious goal more quickly. And The Graph Series does exactly this.

What metrics will you use to track community growth and engagement with your series?

I will ask for private invite links to be created for The Graph TG and Discord communities, publish them under each mini-movie and announcement in my TG channel, and track the number of users who joined, their feedback, and their questions in the communities and my dms. The Graph Belarus Team was created heavily through the first mini-movie.

How do you plan to incorporate user questions and feedback into future articles and mini-movies?

I am already gathering and incorporating user questions and feedback. For example, I received feedback that there are many static frames at the end of the first mini-movie, and it would be more attractive to change them to dynamic frames. Also, I noted feedback that it would be attractive to add more animations into The Graph Series, so I asked for more funds for this field of mini-movies production in my grant application above. I’m collecting all feedback and questions and trying to utilize them for the benefit of mini-movies quality and attractiveness. Every piece of feedback or question is highly appreciated!

Hello @Mr.1776!

Thank you so much for your appreciation and sharing your Graph Academy experience. Having a broad range of views is always very productive and allows to enhance activity in an efficient way.

The Graph Academy was a huge help to me in understanding The Graph too, and heavily due to this brilliant resource, I’m here. The Graph Academy is a splendid library, and it is my inspiration to contribute to The Graph ecosystem this way. The Graph Series differs from The Graph Academy in that it is an open resource, and provides knowledge in a visual format, so a user needs just to click on a link. From my personal experience (I may be totally wrong too), The Graph Academy is for users already having some basic motivation for The Graph deep dive. A user should be ready to register and delegate more time to pass the courses. So, from this point of view, The Graph Academy and The Graph Series are for a bit of different groups of blockchain enthusiasts in the context of awareness, readiness and motivation.

Also, I use a different style than used in The Graph Academy, it is a bit informal and non-academic. In my humble point of view, this allows to acquaint a very broad spectrum of an audience with The Graph. I hope even blockchain and crypto enthusiasts have never passed any courses in any field before. I would say The Graph Series is not some alternative to The Graph Academy. It will be a good bonus, some intro to The Graph Academy courses. And it will prepare and motivate students, crypto enthusiasts and blockchain developers interested in The Graph to start courses at The Graph Academy. So The Graph Series and The Graph Academy will be mutually beneficial to each other. I personally onboard students-developers to The Graph Academy after they watch my first mini-movie. Please enjoy how it looks in the video:

Hello guys,

Grant Application Presentation is uploaded here: the_graph_series_grant_application_by_cryptorocky.pdf - Google Drive.

It was a great presentation. Thanks @CryptoRocky, I voted yes for your grant and looking forward to see your new work.

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I’m glad to receive such the feedback, Paolo! Many thanks!

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Hello, I thought that the strategy focused on India and then Latin America. I do not feel that the real objective raised by Yaniv & Tegan kline (What will curation look like on the "horizon"? - #10 by yaniv - General - The Graph )is expressed and it seems that the content seeks to attract people who just want profits. And I don´t see that the views are for " the graph" or the grah advocates youtube channel.

Hello @livichain777, thank you for the interest to the application and the respond!

I thought that the strategy focused on India and then Latin America.

Could you clarify please what strategy do you mean and why emphasize just these particular regions? I have not got very clear the canvas of your remark.

I do not feel that the real objective raised by Yaniv & Tegan kline (What will curation look like on the “horizon”? - #10 by yaniv - General - The Graph) is expressed.

Many thanks for sharing your feelings, any feedback is highly appreciated. Also I’m grateful for providing such the comprehensive publication of Yaniv Tal, it has given me some new insights that I will take into account in my future activities in The Graph ecosystem. Please make note that the content is educational, and the objectives expressed by Yaniv Tal in that publication will be highlighted with an emphasis in the fifth mini-movie about “The Graph network operation as a whole”. I believe that the first four mini-movies should be of more basic topics because The Graph Series are intended for the audience with very basic involvement into blockchain and Web3 or even without one. So, some kind of smooth deep dive for the audience is needed to create mini-movies with more complex topics highlighting some key points of The Graph philosophy. Please have a look at the content already created, I think that some highlightings of the objectives mentioned by you are already presented in the first mini-movie at least (the first link published below):

What is Indexing in Web and how does The Graph do it? | Story #01. Basics of The Graph technology.

What is The Graph token (GRT) and why is it needed? Comparison of GRT and TWT tokens as an example.

Is The Graph an AI project or not?

How did I identify that The Graph project is promising for the mass adoption?

Introduction to The Graph & Web 3

It seems that the content seeks to attract people who just want profits. And I don´t see that the views are for " the graph" or the grah advocates youtube channel.

Regarding that, I’ve shared the video widely in various blockchain and crypto-oriented communities, also SEO tools were used to enhance the presence of the first mini-movie in YouTube recommendations. This was exactly the goal to acquaint new audience not involved with The Graph ecosystem into one. As the result, we got many views outside The Graph community, and I’m very happy about that.

If some part of the audience wants to make profits, I do not see some issue in this regard. Many people are being involved into blockchain and Web3 through the interest to make profits. I think we should involve these people as well. I personally began my journey in The Graph ecosystem as investor into GRT token. I just heard about one from my supervisor in blockchain software company where I worked in 2021, and then started my The Graph project research. That is how I started.

I also will invite the audience to join The Graph ecosystem and particularly The Graph Advocates program, this is one more further step to enhance the further content.

Thanks for your answer !! I would say yes to the proposal if it had the objective of unifying and motivating advocates. For example, one way to work collaboratively is that you give us the script for the movies and that way it can be translated into the graph language, because there is an Arabic, Spanish and Indian graph. I don’t see that it says that the material being created is the property of the graph and that it can replicate it through its channels. I also don’t see that you have delivered the scripts for future films in the proposal.

Thank you for your enthusiastic suggestions about expanding the mini-movie translation framework into more languages, such as Arabic, Spanish and Indian. I will gladly assist The Graph enthusiasts who are willing to contribute with such translations. Moreover, the translation into three languages is one of the subjects of this Grant Application. It is worth noting that such translations require video redesign as well to move video frames used in the mini-movie to adapt them to the new audio track. Because fragments of narration in audio tracks for various languages will not coincide.

Regarding scenario design and development for the future mini-movies listed, it is also the subject of the Application.

This post looks promising and good for the community

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Thanks for the support!

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Congratulations! The majority decision of the Grant Committee has concluded to recommend this proposal to the DAO.

In order to receive official approval from the DAO, a corresponding on-chain vote needs to be conducted on DAOHaus that will determine the DAO decision. A member of the Grant Committee will reach out to you via email with instructions on next steps in order to prepare for the on-chain funding proposal, which requires prior completion of KYC and consent to the Grant Agreement.

Thank you for all your effort to present a strong proposal aiming to grow The Graph and web3 ecosystem!

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Many thanks for the support! Moving forward to the next steps.

Hey @CryptoRocky I can’t find the information about how many movies and articles are you planning to create. Can you specify that, please? And how long (minimum and maximum length) should the movies be, and how long should the articles be? Where will they be posted or how will they be promoted?

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