Grant Proposal: The Arabic Graph

Hey @doxe01.eth

a total of 689 GRT were sent to me, which is around 50$. I am not sure it was a mistake?

When will I get a final answer about everything and when does the grant start? Are you my contact person?

Best regards,

Hi! Your grant voting is still ongoing on DAOHaus which says 10 hours are left in the voting period to end. After that period there will be a grace period which will be of 3 days i think and when it ends you will get your initial amount.

You can check the status of your grant from here:

Thanks mate!

I wonder why I received the 689 GRTs then :smiley:
Not sad about it though!!

Have a great day

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If I’m not mistaken, it’s for your contributions. I think it’s for a quiz for the Arab community.

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The Graph AdvocatesDAO has approved initial funding of this grant proposal! Thanks to all community members that have been engaged throughout this process and providing feedback.

To the grant recipient:

The DAO is looking forward to hearing about your success! Following completion of your grant, please write a confirmation post as a response to this thread. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for the DAO to initiate the final funding amount in a future on-chain proposal. Providing links, docs and images of your completed grant will also help the DAO determine how to best promote the labors of your hard work. Good luck!

For more information on how to withdraw your grant, please review the following documentation here.

Please note, that the total amount of the grant shall be set forth in the Grant and is stated in U.S. Dollars and are payable in GRT. The USD-GRT conversion rate (the “Conversion Rate”) provided to Grant Recipient will be the monthly Conversion Rate determined by the AdvocatesDAO.

For further information, please refer to the Grant Agreement, here.

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Thank you guys!! I am super happy and excited about rocking this.
As planned we will be done with the scripts in 10 days and then move to shoot the videos!

I will keep you posted and updated here with everything

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A quick update!

The script for the first video is finished and the first video will be ready to publish next week according to plan

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Walid, I was in your presentation and I read all the document and I would like to follow your community for do Ux research about how to help advocate in create a community.

My pleasure! Do you speak Arabic my friend?

Hey guys!
Here is the first video <3

Please support with a like

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Hey grantees and dear DAO members
I translated the script for the first video to English, since it is still very hard for YouTube to translate the script from Arabic.

There are a lot of Crypto projects, and we always say most of them are scams, whether they make profit or not, which projects are not a scam?

Hey guys and welcome to the video where I will be speaking about one project from the infrastructure projects that I like a lot, a project that provides great tools for the blockchain to reach its potential.
If we wanna reach a decentralized financial system through the blockchain, or a less centralized one, we need a project like this one “The Graph”
First you gotta know that this video is not a financial advice, this video is for everyone who wanna understand the project, what problems does it solve, how does it work and why is it called the google of Blockchain? In the end there are 5 questions about the graph, the answers will be in this video, follow the link in the description to answer the questions and win prizes.

In 2017 Yaniv Tal, Jannis Pohlmann and Brandom Ramirez met up and thought, why is it so hard to create Apps on Ethereum? what is the problem facing most of the developers? DATABASE! If you wanna build an App, you will always need a database to have all the info needed for your App. Most of the databases on Web2 right now are centralized, and not only that, but limited to only few companies, like Amazon, google, apple, meta …etc.

So when the 3 musketeers, the cofounders, tried to build Dapps on Ethereum, they were shocked with the same issue, and issue isn’t just about centralization but also trust, you HAVE to trust their sources that are controlling data, which is a big issue.

On Ethereum, there are a lot of data, scattered, distributed, in well spoken Arabic, not organized… imagine you go to the kitchen, and you wanna make (Fattah Jaj: Arabic food) but the rice is somewhere, chicken somewhere, Joguhrt somewhere, garlic somewhere, parsley somewhere, yummy!! it would be hard no? same for blockchain and that’s why we need something that indexes all the data for us, we need indexing protocols. But wait, any company can come and do the same no? Yes, but then we get back to the same issue, centralization and trust. That’s when the graph steps in as a decentralized indexing protocol to make it easier to get to data and info on the blockchain. I will tell you in a bit how is it decentralized.
The Graph is an indexing protocol built on Ethereum after 3 years of development from 2017 until december 2020 when it finally saw the light. So you can say GRT is not a very old token but also not a very new one, it already lived a bullrun, a bear market, and hopefully another bull run soon. I won’t go deep into tokenomics this video, but the next one, but GRT just reached around 0.16$ and went up around 80% the last 2 weeks in this mini bullrun we had. the ATH was at 2.88$ and there are many factors that would give us an impression on whether it would reach that ATH again or not.
To understand The Graph, we need to understand something first. I made a video about dApps, here is the link, and I talked how Dapps are just a lot of smart contracts working together to bring actions, like UniSwap on Ethereum for example.
Now let’s say you wanna build a dApp where users can see all the lands sold on Decentrlanad and Sandbox as NFTs, it is pretty simple, you go to Ethereum, and since it is open source you can see all the data, and here you go, you have a very boring website!! Cause who wants just to see that? anyone buying a land would wanna know who had it before, at what price did they buy, at what price did they sell?! And in order for you to have all these info, you would need to get all the data from every single land since it was created until now, which can take days and weeks and months! it is very complicated! and now, my dear listeners, The graph shows up.

Let’s think of the graph as a mall, it has around 100 shops, each shop is a subgraph, and each subgraph represents a dApp. you walk in and find Decentraland on the right, Sandbox next to it, Uniswap on the other corner… etc. Each subgraph has important data about the dApp and its smart contracts. Just think of it as a summary for the code of this dApp that a developer would need. Where can I find the subgraphs? on the explorer (shows on screen) As you can see, there are 961 subgraphs, we have one for UniSwap, one for UMA, one for Liverpeer… etc

Now I wanna make a dApp and I need a lot of data, I come in and look for the dApp and request the data. a group of nodes on the graph called indexers will get me this data, how do they decide on which subgraph suits me the most? Let’s go back to the mall, if you go in looking for a blue t-shirt it can take you ages to find one, if no one helps! You tell the people at the mall you need a blue tshirt, and they will get it to you, these are the indexers, the curators would be the ones looking what exactly blue tshirt works for you, the size, the exact color … etc. Curators will help evaluate the subgraphs according to your needs and signal it to the indexers that will provide you with it. Why are they doing this? Just for you? No! Like workers in the mall, they get paid for the service they are providing, where curators get a fees of what you’re paying, while indexers receive a share from 3% of the current supply produced yearly to reward indexers who btw have to stake at least 100k GRT to become an indexer, and if they provide wrong info, or they cheat, their stake will get slashed! and that’s how the protocol makes sure that everything is going the right direction. So now since we know the difference between indexers, curators and developers, we are left with one more info! delegators!
Delegators are the people who stake their tokens and give it to indexers to contribute to the protocol’s security, and in exchange get rewards based on what they staked and the staking period, I will take more about it next video, how can you do it, and what rewards to be expected. As you can see (show delegators page) we have around 11383 delegators at the moment, contributing to the protocol’s security while earning rewards.

Questions and closing notes (around 1 minute)

Great! Thank you for the script, I will have a look at it soon!

thank you dear :pray:t2:

Please check out the thread I made about The Graph

According to the plan, we will publish the second video in the next 2 weeks :fire::fire:

Hey guys, I am done with the second video and it will be shared next week or by the end of this week!

Here is the script for the second video:

Intro: How to earn a passive income in the world of crypto without taking a big risk, through the project I am going to talk about today, and why is this project one of eh most important ones for the success of Blockchain, yes, The Graph!

Before I start, take a look at this T-shirt and this mug, and imagine yourself drinking your morning coffee with this nice cup! How to get that? I will pick 2 lucky winners to receive a mug and a t-shirt from, but I need to ask you to watch the video and write the answers of some questions in the comments section, also use the link that takes you to zealy to get the chance to win 20$ paid in GRT! 5 people will win

Last video I spoke about the project, how it works, we spoke about Indexers, Curators, Develoopers, and we mentioned delegators!
Today we will speake about delegation and how important it is, how it can be done and how you can make a passive income while securing the graph protocol

Afterwards we will speak about the tokenomics of GRT and we will finish with showing you something exciting about the graph.

Quick reminder, the developer needs data, he requests data, the indexer provides the data after the curator finds the best subgraph for him. easy peasy

each of them receives a reward for his service, now the indexer has to stake at least 100k to become an indexer, and makes profit from that. the more GRT he stakes and the longer he does that, the more rewards he recieves, since he can do more indexing on the protocol, but wait, what if you don’t have 100k GRTs or don’t want to become an indexer, can you still somehow contribute to the protocol? YES!
You know how sometimes someone tells you, man I have money and you have a business, how about I give you my money and you make profit for me and I reward you? Same thing happens in the graph, delegators would delegate their GRT tokens to an indexer, they look for a great indexer after doing some research and they then delegate their tokens to them. Last video we talked about indexers who cheat, and how if they do, their tokens will be slashed, to make sure the inexding proccess is going as it should be.

( sharing my screen while explaning how to delegate)
So right now we will see how to delegate, let’s go to the graph homepage, and then we go to the explorer, now take a look at all the subgraphs… on the top we click on participants, these would be indexers, curators and delegators, let’s check out the indexers … we have over 200 indexers guys … 200 people each providing at least 100k GRTs … now let’s pick one … how to pick the best? I would sort them by the amount of GRTs delegated to them… this one for example has 0 GRTs delegated to him, I would stay away from it … this one has more than 190 million delegated to him … Let’s go with this one ok?

Now it is super easy … you have GRT on your metamask, on ethereum or Arbitrum, I will use Arbitrum since the fees are very low … you click on the indexer and click on delegate, you set the amount you wanna delegate, you have to allow that in your wallet, for example I have 1000 GRTs and I will allow all of them to be delegated, then you click on delegate, and you can see all the details, the locking period that tax you pay, which we will talk about soon, how much reward you should expect, on this button you can then undelegate your tokens. but I am not gonna do that, I will delegate my tokens and then I will have more GRTs and also hopefully they will be valuable, maybe it could hit the ATH which was at 2.8$, is this possible?

Look in the world of crypto everything is possible, it is possible for any coin to hit ATH or not. So no one can tell you 100% this will happen or not but let’s talk about tokenomics, GRT circulating supply increases 3% every year, which will be rewarded to indexers, and yes there is an increase of 3% every year but we should not forget that there is token burning that happens every year, which is between 1-2% or even more, including query fees and taxes … so over all the expected growth would be 2% yearly … so for example the initial supply was at 10 billion and now it is at 10.7 billion GRTs, so that’s 7% in 3 years!
Now is an inflation bad for currencies in general? a lot of people argue that inflation is bad, and limited supply is the best. this could be the case for bitcoin but it doesnt have to be the same case for every token… having a maximum supply gives you the feeling that you cant spend and you wanna HODL forever. GRT is a utility token that is used to reward indexers and used to query information from subgraphs, it is not meant to be a digital gold. So 2% inflation rate per year is absolutely a good thing for a token like GRT. having a fixed inflation rate also gives the chance for new investors to grab a peace of the cake, and it wont be all held by early investors only, like Bitcoin for example where most of the owners were the people who saw its potential early, and I am not saying bitcoin should have an unlimited supply, cause its pupose is to be a store of value … it also doesn’t mean that GRT is not a good investment or a store of value, but the investing is your choice anyways …

Now why is the graph one of the projects that are here to stay? take a look at the ecosystem, see how many other projects use the graph… this is an infrastructure projects and for me they are the safest, and the projects that have very little to zero chance of disappearing!

Now our last stop would be the questions!


  • How much does the number of GRT tokens increase per year? 4 options
  • what would happen to indexers who cheat? 4 options
  • who receives the yearly increase of GRT tokens in the ecosystem of the graph?
  • what is the minimum amount of GRT tokens you need to have to delegate to an indexer?

Hey guys!

I an very happy to deliver the last piece :heart_eyes:

Please leave a like on the video :heart_eyes:

And I would also love to maybe have a meeting with you to talk about the grant and maybe make sure this relationship last longer?


Liked the video :+1:

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Will leave this here:


For the future please prepare results here :smiley:, not a big problem for the first time. Okay, about results exactly, all pretty good described and personally me, love to see such an effort regarding development and achieving the goals. According to the Grant Agreement to full field all the deliverables and accomplish all the things.

But, I have a question regarding Arabic community. We have an unofficial community in telegram - @GRTARAB. Did you follow the amount of subs or any KPI parameter, like did you see the increase in the number of subscribers?


Hey there!
Sorry for that. What I understood from you is that I need to create another forum to share the results.

Shall I copy it here?

Regarding the Telegram group, I wasn’t sure if I should invite people to it cause I didn’t find it on any official page. I can absolutely still do that now and in the future if you‘d like.

Hey guys!
Happy holidays :fire: I hope you had a great Christmas :christmas_tree:

I am just checking for any updates about the final funding.

I also wanna share that 44 new members were onboarded to the unofficial Arabic Telegram group yesterday :handshake:t2:

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Congratulations! The final funding of your grant has been approved by the DAO. Thank you for contributing to the growth of The Graph and web3 ecosystem.

Now it’s time to focus on promoting your accomplishments! If you haven’t already done so, evaluate different ways to showcase your grant across different platforms, such as Twitter, the Graph Forum, Discord, Telegram or LinkedIn. Also feel free to reach out in the Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord server to seek help from others to promote your grant.

For information in how to getting paid for your grant, have a look at our official documentation here.

Please note, that the total amount of the grant shall be set forth in the Grant and is stated in U.S. Dollars and are payable in GRT. The USD-GRT conversion rate (the “Conversion Rate”) provided to Grant Recipient will be the monthly Conversion Rate determined by the AdvocatesDAO.

For further information, please refer to the Grant Agreement, here.

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