Grant Proposal: Token 2049 Side Event - Graph Protocol - 20th April 2024

Grant ID: 86871409t


Our project aims to spotlight the Graph Protocol at the Token 2049, Dubai & Eth Dubai event, a prominent web3 event expected to draw around 10000 participants.

Here are the details document

I have read and agree to the privacy policy:

Describe what your project does or is aiming to do in 50 characters or less:
The project aims to organize a side event during Token 2049 on 20th April 2024 named “Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024.” The primary goal is to spotlight The Graph’s recent launches and offerings, and an opportunity to delve deeper into the Graph Protocol. The plan includes inviting top web3 leaders to engage in panel discussions on topics such as data, privacy, and decentralization.

The objectives of the Token 2049 side event for The Graph is:

  1. To provide a deeper understanding of The Graph in Dubai
  2. Expand The Graph community in Dubai
  3. Show devs how to use The Graph
  4. Onboard more people into The Graph protocol

If available, please enter a link to your project below:

How far along are you?:
We have already begun connecting with hotels in Dubai with conference capacities of 120 people, particularly in the vicinity of MADINAT JUMEIRA, the location of the Token 2049 event

Additionally, we have initiated the planning of the agenda and event details to ensure the success of the Graph Protocol. You can find the details below:

Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you’re making?:
This is to bridge the knowledge gap around The Graph, particularly within the vibrant Dubai developer ecosystem. Token 2049 & EthDubai, with their combined 12,000+ attendees, offer a unique opportunity to:

Target a High-Potential Audience: Dubai’s thriving blockchain & crypto scene makes it a fertile ground for The Graph’s adoption.

Many developers here are actively building innovative projects requiring robust data solutions.

Showcase Relevance: We’ll showcase real-world use cases built on The Graph that cater to Web3-specific needs:

Our side event won’t just educate; it will drive engagement and adoption:

Interactive Workshops: We’ll offer interactive workshops led by The Graph experts

Panels Discussion: Panel discussion word various topics in web3 and Graph Protocol help resolve them,

Community Building: Dedicated networking opportunities, forums, and meetups will boost a long-lasting The Graph community in Dubai, facilitating collaboration and future projects.

What’s new about what you’re making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn’t exist yet (or they don’t know about it)?:
Our initiative is the strategic representation of theGraph Protocol at the EthDubai & Token2049 event, an unparalleled opportunity to attract an eyeball of 12,000+ participants.

Currently, there’s a lack of targeted outreach and visibility for theGraph Protocol during such events. People often opt for general web3 tools without specific insights.

Our proposal aims to fill this gap by bringing theGraph Protocol to the forefront, offering tailored workshops and panel discussions, and creating awareness within the web3 community, presenting a unique and impactful opportunity.

What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
Our vision is for The Graph Protocol to make a significant impact on web3 through our representation at the Token 2049 & EthDubai event.

We believe that this event will be a resounding success, demonstrating our commitment to The Graph’s growth and development.

How will you measure success?:
We will measure success through tangible outcomes at and post the Token 2049 & EthDubai event. Key metrics include

  • Increased awareness, measured by engagement levels during workshops and panel discussions with quality web3 leaders;

  • Enhanced adoption, tracked through post-event usage and inquiries; and sustained community growth, evident in continued interest and participation.

  • The number of new developers onboarded, positive feedback received, and theGraph Protocol’s heightened visibility within the web3 community will serve as quantifiable indicators of our success in representing the protocol.

What milestones will you achieve in the coming weeks/months, with or without the grant?:
Our milestones for representing the Graph Protocol during Token 2049 & EthDubai include organizing targeted promotional campaigns and finalizing workshop content. Additionally, we aim to establish pre-event communications to maximize attendance and engagement by having top we3 leaders.

Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Subgraph Developers, Other, Delegators, Indexers

How much funding are you looking for? (USD):

Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:

  • Venue Rental & Food: 75 USD per Head(120 guest)
  • LCD Projector & (1) Screen & stage: 200 USD
  • Graph T-shirts, and caps for participants: 700 USD
  • Goodie bags for panelists and speakers(10): 120 USD
  • 2.5 Months Content Marketing - 200 USD
  • Video and recording team: 300 USD
  • Photography team: 200 USD
  • Cheat sheets and stand posters: 200 USD
  • Decoration aligned with The Graph’s theme: 400 USD
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: 500 USD

Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:

Can you share any information about current/past web3 experience?:
I am the co-founder of DappLooker, which we are building to make blockchain analytics affordable and simplified for everyone. Our journey in the web3 space spans the last 3.5 years.

Notably, we were part of the EthIndia TheGraph Protocol Partners team, assisting all participants with queries related to theGraph Protocol.

Additionally, we have served as judges for all projects built on theGraph Protocol at EthIndia and participated as a main stage speaker at web3Conf.

I am also Actively involved in organizing and participating in various web3 events in India, and our focus is on boosting user adoption in The Graph web3 ecosystem.

Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:
I have deeply invested in the Graph ecosystem for the past 3.5 years, actively contributing to the ecosystem in the below format

  • I am a Graph Advocate.
  • I judged the projects built on TheGraph Protocol at global EthGlobal hackathons.
  • I am contributing as a subgraph and substream developer.
  • Successfully onboarded 250+ subgraph-based Dapps.
  • Three-time Graph Grantee.
  • Core team member of GraphBuildersDAO.
  • Operate the Graph Indexer: dapplooker.eth.
  • We help subgraphs dApps in real-time analytics powered by substream + Firehose.
  • Developed numerous subgraph-based explorers.
  • Created Graph Network no-code dashboards DappLooker | Simplified & Affordable Blockchain Analytics

Are you applying as a team or individual?:

What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Project (one-off)

Please select the category your project best fits into:
Regional Community

Primary Community Poll

Do you fundamentally support this grant application, knowing that the final scope and grant amount may differ from the requested proposal?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Grant Committee Vote

Do you recommend this grant to the DAO?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Thanks so much for your proposal.
I’d like to have few clarifications:

  • can you outline better how the event will be structured (the agenda)?
  • regarding the technical workshop, would you deliver this or do you need support from core devs teams?
  • regarding SWAGS, are you going to design them or do you need support from us?
  • about video recording/photo, is this part of your team or do you need to hire a local freelance?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Thank you for your questions @pdiomede

Can you outline better how the event will be structured (the agenda)?

The agenda is to host a side event named “Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024” during Token 2049 on April 20, 2024. The purpose is to highlight The Graph’s recent launches and offerings and provide an opportunity to explore the Graph Protocol in-depth. We will be inviting top web3 leaders including core devs to participate in panel discussions covering topics such as data, privacy, and decentralization.

Here is the Detail of the event

6:00 PM - 6:50 PM: Registration and Networking

6:50 PM - 7:00 PM: Welcome Note (General) - Graph Senior Representative

7:00 PM - 7:20 PM: Spotlight Keynote by TheGraph - The Graph Team

7:20 PM - 7:40 PM: Spotlight Keynote by Builder Dao Member

7:40 PM - 8:00 PM: Fireside Chat 1 - Exploring challenges with Data in Web3

8:00 PM - 8:20 PM: Fireside Chat 2 - Data Privacy, Security, Regulation, and Identity in Web3

8:20 PM - 8:40 PM: Fireside Chat 3 - Cloud Storage and Computing - Centralised Vs Decentralised

8:40 PM - 9:00 PM: Fireside Chat 4 - Data Interoperability in Web3 Ecosystem and Sustainable Development

9:00 PM - 9:20 PM: Fireside Chat 5 - The Future of Web3 Data, AI, Opportunities, and Emerging Technologies

9:20 PM - 9:30 PM: Closing Note - The Graph Senior Representative

9:30 PM - 11:30 AM: Networking & Food/Beverages/Drinks

regarding the technical workshop, would you deliver this or do you need support from core devs teams?

Regarding the technical workshop, we have over three years of hands-on experience with the Graph Protocol ecosystem, contributing to projects and collaborating with channels like Builder Dao and the EthGlobal judging team. We are confident in delivering the workshop independently. However, we warmly welcome support or collaboration from the core dev team of The Graph Protocol. If someone from The Graph Protocol is available for Token 2049, it would bring added engagement and insights.

regarding SWAGS, are you going to design them or do you need support from us?

We can handle the design and printing of the SWAGs ourselves. If there are any branding guidelines, we’d be more than happy to accommodate them. Your support is appreciated!

about video recording/photo, is this part of your team or do you need to hire a local freelance?

We plan to hire a local photography and recording team in Dubai who will cover the entire event and share all content post-event.


This is indeed a great initiative for all the builders out there, great step towards building a strong community .


The proposal for a side event at TOKEN2049 focusing on the Graph Protocol is intriguing. It could offer a unique opportunity to showcase the protocol’s capabilities and engage with a wider audience. :globe_with_meridians:


Absolutely fantastic! Excited to witness the impact of this innovation in the web3 space!:clap:


@abhinav_dapplooker The proposal looks good and the Agenda is also short, quick and covers interesting topics.

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It’s fantastic to see your thorough preparation and vision for the Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024. Leveraging an event of this scale to raise awareness about The Graph is a commendable initiative, I’m a huge fan of your work and appreciate your dedication to our community.

Can you please clarify:

  • How you specifically plan to attract and engage developers and participants with a keen interest in The Graph? Are there tailored strategies to make the event particularly appealing to The Graph enthusiasts?

  • How you intend to leverage your network to enhance community engagement during and after the event? Are there specific collaborations or outreach methods you have in mind?

  • If you have specific strategies for collecting feedback during and after the event?


Thank you @Chidubem for the questions.

How do you specifically plan to attract and engage developers and participants with a keen interest in The Graph? Are there tailored strategies to make the event particularly appealing to The Graph enthusiasts?

Yes, we have devised a comprehensive 2.5-month content and social networking marketing plan to raise awareness about the event. Additionally, we have carefully crafted strategies to attract and engage developers and participants keenly interested in The Graph. To enhance the event’s appeal for The Graph enthusiasts, we are implementing tailored approaches:

Customized Content at the event:

  • Designing sessions and panel discussions focused specifically on The Graph’s recent launches, offerings, and the Graph Protocol.
  • Showcasing real-world use cases and success stories related to The Graph to inspire and engage participants.

Interactive Sessions:

  • Allowing participants to explore The Graph’s functionalities in a collaborative and engaging environment.

Networking Opportunities:

  • Facilitating networking sessions where developers can connect with core devs, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  • Providing a platform for The Graph enthusiasts to share their experiences and projects.

How do you intend to leverage your network to enhance community engagement during and after the event? Are there specific collaborations or outreach methods you have in mind?

As DappLooker is a subgraph-native no-code analytics platform, we have an audience of subgraph users, and we extend our reach through our ecosystem partners, including various networks and projects.

This strategy encompasses personalized email campaigns, active content marketing, and posts across diverse channels such as social media platforms (Twitter, Discord, Telegram), forums, and developer networks. Our goal is to create a dynamic and inclusive environment, fostering interaction and participation.

Furthermore, we aim to work along with The Graph Foundation, tapping into their well-established communication channels and requesting to echo our marketing efforts. This effort ensures a broader reach and sustained engagement throughout and beyond the event, contributing to the success of the 'Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024.

If you have specific strategies for collecting feedback during and after the event?

As part of our comprehensive event plan, we have specific strategies in place for collecting feedback during and after the 'Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024.

During the Event:

  • Conduct interactive Q&A sessions to gather immediate insights into attendees’ perceptions of The Graph.

After the Event:

  • Utilize digital platforms such as Google Forms for post-event surveys and feedback.
  • Establish direct communication channels on Telegram and Discord to facilitate ongoing engagement and gather valuable insights.

Thank you for taking the time to outline your well-thought-out strategies across these domains. I’m very optimistic about the event and wish you great success!


Hello @abhinav_dapplooker!

Pretty interesting and well described proposal. Thank you, that you have spent so much time on writing all the things + that you applied for the Grant Program from the DAO.

So in the process of reviewing, i asked myself some questions, what i want to see here, so yeah. I want to clarify some points regarding proposal and ask questions.


  • How will the Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024 differentiate itself from other side events at Token 2049 to attract attendees?
  • Can you provide more details on the demographic profile of the expected attendees? How do you plan to engage them before, during, and after the event?
  • What methods will be used to gather feedback from participants during and after the event to assess its effectiveness and areas for improvement?
  • How does this event fit into the larger strategic vision for The Graph in the web3 ecosystem, and are there plans for similar events in the future?

And here, the situation i want to clarify the most. It’s about budget and exactly these 2 things:

Can you explain in more detail the reasoning behind this price? It just seems rather odd to spend 80% of a grant, on food and a place. And also the merch, am I right in assuming that there will be 10 units?

Thank you!

Thank you @doxe01.eth for the questions.

How will the Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024 differentiate itself from other side events at Token 2049 to attract attendees?

The Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024 distinguishes itself by offering a unique platform to delve deep into The Graph’s recent launches and advancements within the Graph Protocol.

This will be the first major event hosted by and for The Graph Community and one of the first Data-Centric events of the year 2024.

Below are the details :

Focused Exploration: We prioritize in-depth sessions on The Graph Protocol, offering attendees exclusive insights into The Graph’s recent launches, offerings, and the Graph Protocol.

  • Showcasing real-world use cases and success stories related to The Graph aims to inspire and engage participants.

Top Web3 Leaders Panel Discussions: By inviting leading web3 experts and core developers, our panel discussions on data, privacy, and decentralization set us apart, fostering thought-provoking conversations.

Interactive Engagement: We emphasize interactive participation, enabling attendees to actively ask questions, collaborate, and engage, fostering a curious and dynamic environment.

Can you provide more details on the demographic profile of the expected attendees? How do you plan to engage them before, during, and after the event?

  • This event aims to attract a diverse demographic profile of attendees, including developers, blockchain enthusiasts, industry professionals, and those keen on exploring The Graph Protocol.

  • More than 10,000 attendees from various segments of the web3 community are expected to participate in or be present in Dubai during Token2049 week. This includes notable figures from the blockchain community. We aim to leverage on the increasing adoption of The Graph and attract a curated list of attendees by targeting these figures

  • We will also post the event on the official Token2049 side event page for more visibility and manually approve a curated list of attendees:

Engagement Strategies:

  • As DappLooker is a subgraph-native no-code analytics platform, we have an audience of subgraph users, and we extend our reach through our ecosystem partners, including various networks and projects.

  • To boost community engagement during and after the event, we’ll leverage our extensive network over 2.5 months with targeted outreach efforts. This includes personalized email campaigns, content marketing, and posts across various channels like Twitter, Discord, Telegram, forums, and developer networks.

  • Collaborating with The Graph Foundation will amplify our reach through their well-established communication channels, contributing to the success of 'Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024.

What methods will be used to gather feedback from participants during and after the event to assess its effectiveness and areas for improvement?

As mentioned in the above comment there are multiple ways we are going to address engagement and feedback during and after the event:

As part of our comprehensive event plan, we have specific strategies in place for collecting feedback during and after the 'Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024.

  • During the Event:
    Interactive sessions and panel discussions will offer engaging experiences for attendees. Q&A sessions, real-time use case discussions, and networking opportunities will enhance their involvement, ensuring an enriching event experience.

  • After the Event:
    Post-event surveys and feedback mechanisms (such as Google Forms) will be implemented to gather insights and suggestions. Continued engagement through platforms like Telegram and Discord, along with sharing event highlights on social media, will help maintain a connection with the community.

How does this event fit into the larger strategic vision for The Graph in the web3 ecosystem, and are there plans for similar events in the future?

Yes, we believe this event aligns with The Graph’s larger strategic vision in the web3 ecosystem.

Panel Chats and Expertise

  • Positioning the Graph as an industry leader through representation and expert insights during panel chats and presentations at the start of the event.

Showcasing Recent Launches:

  • Highlighting The Graph’s recent launches and offerings, reinforcing its position as a leading data protocol in the web3 space.

Exploring the Graph Protocol:

  • Providing a platform to delve into the Graph Protocol in-depth, fostering a deeper understanding among participants.

Community Engagement:

  • Strengthening community engagement through targeted outreach, networking opportunities, and interactive sessions, fostering a sense of inclusivity.

Yes, We plan to have similar kinds of events in the future during important time and places where the maximum key leaders in Web3 and Blockchain can be attracted.

And here, the situation i want to clarify the most. It’s about budget and exactly these 2 things:

Venue Rental & Food: 75 USD per Head(120 guest)

Goodie bags for panelists and speakers(10): 120 USD

Can you explain in more detail the reasoning behind this price? It just seems rather odd to spend 80% of a grant, on food and a place. And also the merch, am I right in assuming that there will be 10 units?

Most venues in Dubai typically do not separate venue charges and food charges; instead, they charge a per-person amount plus tax, covering both the venue and food costs. The reason for allocating a significant portion of the budget to the venue and food is rooted in the fact that the venue is a major cost factor for any event

Regarding the merchandise expenses, it is indeed split into two categories:

  • Esteemed Speakers and Panelists: A total of 10 goodie bag sets containing branded Graph merchandise will be prepared for our distinguished speakers and panelists. This not only serves as a token of appreciation for their participation but also helps in enhancing the visibility and branding of our event.

  • Attendees: For the 120 event attendees, we plan to distribute Graph-branded T-shirts, caps, and stickers. This merchandise not only adds a sense of unity among the attendees but also serves as a tangible representation of the event, fostering a lasting connection with the brand.

I understand your concern about the allocation of funds and assure you that each element of the budget has been carefully considered to ensure a well-rounded and impactful event. The goal is to create an immersive and memorable experience for all participants while effectively promoting The Graph.


Thank you for the detailed explanation. I have a specific query regarding the allocated budget for food expenses. In the proposal, it mentions providing food for 120 guests at Token2049. Could you clarify if these guests are specifically invited by your team, or are they anticipated attendees given the nature of the event being at Token2049 in April? My understanding is that Token2049 would likely attract web3 enthusiasts organically.

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At DappLooker, our audience primarily consists of subgraph users, and we also extend invitations to our ecosystem partners, including various networks and projects. Additionally, we will promote the event on platforms like Luma and get listed on the Token 2049 side event page.

Our team will meticulously review each application, and participants will be manually evaluated based on their profiles and alignment with The Graph ecosystem. This ensures that attendees have a genuine interest and relevance to The Graph, enhancing the overall engagement quality during the event.


The presentation of the project will be in the public-voice-chat channel on the Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord server on January 30th at 18:00 UTC. Entrance is open and everyone is welcome to come in and ask their questions during the presentation!

Thanks everyone for your attention!

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Hello Everyone,

As per feedback, We have reduced the grant amount. Below is the breakdown for the same

Total Budget: 6870 USD

  • Venue Rental & Food: 75 USD per Head(60 guest)

  • LCD Projector & (1) Screen & stage: 200 USD

  • Graph T-shirts, and caps for participants: 400 USD

  • Goodie bags for panelists and speakers(10): 120 USD

  • 2.5 Months Content Marketing - 200 USD

  • Video and recording team: 300 USD

  • Photography team: 200 USD

  • Cheat sheets and stand posters: 150 USD

  • Decoration aligned with The Graph’s theme: 400 USD

  • Miscellaneous Expenses: 400 USD


Congratulations! The majority decision of the Grant Committee has concluded to recommend this proposal to the DAO.

In order to receive official approval from the DAO, a corresponding on-chain vote needs to be conducted on DAOHaus that will determine the DAO decision. A member of the Grant Committee will reach out to you via email with instructions on next steps in order to prepare for the on-chain funding proposal, which requires prior completion of KYC and consent to the Grant Agreement.

Thank you for all your effort to present a strong proposal aiming to grow The Graph and web3 ecosystem!


Thank you @PeterPan Looking forward to it.

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I hereby agree to this grant agreement of the Graph AdvocatesDAO with the GitHub commit-hash 3858eb9315ef3a0a93d0701961ffbc2a57d45205. That document forms the legal agreement of the proposed grant with the following terms:

  • Scope

    • The project aims to organize a side event during Token 2049 on 20th April 2024 named “Web3 Data Summit - DataCon 2024”
  • Deliverables

    • Host an invitation-only exclusive event for developers, builders and active members of web3 space.

    • To provide a deeper understanding of The Graph in Dubai.

    • Expand The Graph community in Dubai.

    • Show developers how to use The Graph.

    • Onboard more people into The Graph protocol.

    • Collect feedback from attendees post the events to measure success.

    • Provide visuals such as photos and videos capturing the event, and utilize social media platforms to promote it.

  • Total Grant Amount

    • USD Value: 6,870 USD
  • Token: GRT

  • Disbursement Schedule

    • Initial Funding: 80%

    • Final Funding: 20%

  • Receiving ETH Address: 0x7b54194220Ed6928EB222705304A6571f6243C9e

I understand that the agreement will only be executed upon the successful completion of a corresponding on-chain vote by the Graph AdvocatesDAO. I also understand that the grant will be disbursed on Gnosis Chain and that the GRT (30-day average) rate will be considered at the point of initiating a proposal, whether for the provision of initial funding or the culmination of the final payment.


The Graph AdvocatesDAO has approved the initial funding of this grant proposal! Thanks to all community members who have been engaged throughout this process and providing feedback.

To the grant recipient:

The DAO is looking forward to hearing about your success! Following completion of your grant, please write a confirmation post as a response to this thread. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for the DAO to initiate the final funding amount in a future on-chain proposal. Providing links, docs and images of your completed grant will also help the DAO determine how to best promote the labours of your hard work. Good luck!

For more information on how to withdraw your grant, please review the following documentation here.

Please note, that the total amount of the grant shall be outlined in the Grant and is stated in U.S. Dollars and are payable in GRT. The USD-GRT conversion rate (the “Conversion Rate”) provided to the Grant Recipient will be the monthly Conversion Rate determined by the AdvocatesDAO. Furthermore, as a recipient of the grant, you must submit receipts for any expenses incurred and understand that cash payments are not permissible.

For further information, please refer to the Grant Agreement, here.