Grant Proposal: The Graph Pune – College Tour

Grant ID: 8686w85j2


We propose a series of weekly workshops with the objective of educating students across various universities and colleges in Pune about blockchain technology, web3, and The Graph. The workshops will include interactive sessions to provide practical knowledge and hands-on experience in deploying and querying subgraphs. Our agenda begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of blockchain and the significance of web3 in the decentralized ecosystem. Following this, we delve into The Graph, exploring its role in decentralized applications and presenting real-world use cases.
A pivotal component of the workshops is a hands-on session dedicated to deploying and querying subgraphs. Participants will receive step-by-step guidance and have the opportunity to engage directly with the technology. Additionally, we aim to introduce attendees to The Graph Advocates Program, offering insights into its benefits and opportunities. An interactive Q&A session will be included to address any queries and foster interest in the Advocates Program.
Logistically, these workshops will be conducted at various universities and colleges in Pune, ensuring broad accessibility. The frequency will be weekly, with each workshop lasting a specified duration. We will collaborate with university departments for promotion, utilize social media platforms, and engage with local communities to maximize outreach.
To proceed, we will confirm workshop schedules with participating institutions, develop promotional materials, and finalize the resource requirements for the hands-on sessions. Through these efforts, we aim to create a thriving community of blockchain enthusiasts, empower students with practical skills, and identify and nurture potential advocates for The Graph.

I have read and agree to the privacy policy:

Describe what your project does or is aiming to do in 50 characters or less:
Our initiative strives to enlighten college students about the Web3 domain and the vast opportunities in blockchain development. With minimal exposure to these technologies, we aim to empower students to actively participate in shaping a decentralized future by providing them with essential knowledge and skills in this transformative field.

If available, please enter a link to your project below:

How far along are you?:
Following the successful execution of an event in the ‘Navigating Web3 – The Graph India’ series, our focus has shifted towards building a stronger local community connection. To achieve this, we are meticulously identifying universities in our city that can benefit from specialized workshops. By tailoring our approach to specific academic institutions, we aim to create a more impactful and personalized learning experience, fostering a community of individuals passionate about Web3 technology within our immediate geographic area.

Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you’re making?:
Inspired by the current gaps in academic curriculums, particularly the minimal exposure to blockchain technology, our initiative seeks to address this deficiency. By organizing targeted workshops at local universities, we aim to educate students on the real-world applications and significance of blockchain and Web3 in our contemporary landscape. Leveraging our experience in successfully hosting Web3 events, we plan to introduce The Graph through hands-on code-along workshops, fostering interest among attendees and potentially encouraging participation in The Graph Network. Recognizing the scarcity of information and resources on Web3, we aim to bridge the knowledge gap, catering to both developers and non-developers alike who are eager to delve into the world of Web3.

What’s new about what you’re making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn’t exist yet (or they don’t know about it)?:
Organizing a series of workshops in our city focused on Web3 technology presents a valuable opportunity to bridge the knowledge gap among local developers. By providing insights and hands-on experience in the Web3 space, we have the potential to ignite interest and curiosity among developers who may currently have limited exposure to these concepts. This not only enhances the skill set of our local developer community but also has the ripple effect of boosting participation in The Graph Network. As more developers gain a deeper understanding of Web3, we anticipate a significant increase in the number of participants contributing to and leveraging the capabilities of The Graph Network, ultimately fostering growth and collaboration within our local tech ecosystem.

What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
The significance of this project lies in its potential to make a lasting impact on both The Graph and the broader Web3 ecosystem. By targeting students and providing them with education on the intricacies of blockchain technology and Web3 development, we are sowing the seeds for a future generation of skilled individuals who can contribute meaningfully to decentralized innovation. Furthermore, by highlighting the pivotal role that The Graph plays in reshaping data management within decentralized applications, we not only raise awareness but also emphasize the practical application of these concepts. This educational initiative serves as a catalyst, empowering students to comprehend and appreciate the transformative power of The Graph within the Web3 landscape, thereby fostering a new wave of talent and insight that can drive positive change and progress in this dynamic and evolving space.

How will you measure success?:
The workshops’ success will be measured by increased awareness and understanding of blockchain and web3, as well as participants gaining practical experience in deploying and querying subgraphs. Furthermore, we anticipate identifying potential candidates for The Graph Advocates Program and participants in The Graph Network.

What milestones will you achieve in the coming weeks/months, with or without the grant?:
We’ve assembled a dedicated team of advocates, including Yash Jagtap(myself), Siddhant Kulkarni, Pranav Konde, and Shlok Bhargude, who are actively engaged in collecting information about potential universities to host our workshops. A comprehensive Notion document, detailing the suitable venues, will be available shortly.
Simultaneously, we are in the process of reaching out to vendors for swag production. These engaging giveaways will be distributed during the workshops, adding an exciting element to our outreach efforts.

Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Subgraph Developers

How much funding are you looking for? (USD):

Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:
$250 x10 colleges (which includes $170 for t-shirts that would be given only to those who successfully complete the workshop & $80 for generalized swag like stickers/keychains/caps, etc. for all the attendees)

$100 Miscellaneous expenses

Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:

Can you share any information about current/past web3 experience?:
I am a Computer Science undergraduate from Pune University, currently holding the role of a Developer Relations Engineer at DataverseOS and a Developer Success Engineer at The Graph India. My recent accomplishment includes winning the Best Substreams prize at ETHIndia 2023 for my project “OneForAll,” a comprehensive collection of boilerplate implementations for various web3 protocols. Over the past two years, my focus has been on blockchain and Ethereum development, during which I’ve crafted over 20 dapps and actively contributed to open-source projects.
My technical expertise encompasses Solidity, React, JavaScript, and various other technologies. In addition to my development work, I lead the Polygon Guild Pune, organizing workshops and meet-ups to foster community growth. As a contributor to the official Ethereum ecosystem on GitHub, I am dedicated to advancing the blockchain community. I’ve also been actively involved with Metaschool, a web3 ed-tech platform, where I served as a Developer Advocate, managing a substantial community of 18,000+ developers.

My commitment to open-source development is evident through contributions to LearnWeb3DAO, recognition as a top community contributor at Buildspace, and my role as a Graph Advocate. I actively participated in events like Hacktoberfest 2022 and provided mentorship by teaching smart contract development to African women and non-binary individuals through Blu3DAO.

As a participant in the Ethereum Writers’ Cohort, I initiated my blogging journey, sharing insights and knowledge. I’ve also had the privilege of speaking at prominent conferences such as Web3Conf India and NEARAPAC 2023 in Vietnam. Additionally, I represented The Graph India at the Hack4Bengal hackathon, where I conducted workshops and judged projects, ultimately winning the first prize of $7000 at the Chainlink Spring Hackathon 2023.

Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:

We are firm in our belief that Web3 is poised to usher in a revolutionary transformation in modern technology, and at the forefront of this paradigm shift is The Graph protocol. The Graph plays a pivotal role in enabling the efficient management of decentralized data, positioning itself as a key driver of innovation within the Web3 space.
Recognizing the transformative potential of Web3, our project takes on a crucial role in imparting knowledge to students in our city who currently lack exposure to the profound impact of this emerging technology. By providing insights into the significance of Web3 and emphasizing the pivotal role of The Graph, we aim to empower students with a forward-looking perspective and the skills necessary to navigate and contribute to the evolving landscape of decentralized technologies. This initiative has the potential to be a significant catalyst, opening doors for the next generation to actively participate in and shape the future of decentralized systems.

Are you applying as a team or individual?:

What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Project (one-off)

Please select the category your project best fits into:

Primary Community Poll

Do you fundamentally support this grant application, knowing that the final scope and grant amount may differ from the requested proposal?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Grant Committee Vote

Do you recommend this grant to the DAO?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Great initiative, looking forward to it!


That’s exactly the kind of initiative we are looking for to develop more our ecosystem and to onboard more devs. Thanks so much @0x_yasshhh, I fully support this proposal. Voted Yes!


The presentation of the project will be in the public-voice-chat channel on the Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord server on January, 9th (Tuesday) at 10:00 UTC.
Entrance is open and everyone is welcome to come in and ask their questions during the presentation!



It’s great to see such detailed and technical oriented proposal! So I want to clarify some points:

  • How do your workshops contribute to the growth and development of The Graph’s ecosystem?
  • What tangible benefits will students gain from learning about The Graph and Web3 technologies?
  • How do you plan to allocate the budget to ensure maximum impact and value in your workshops?
  • What strategies will you implement to gather and incorporate feedback for continuous improvement of the workshops?
  • How will your teaching approach adapt to different learning styles and levels of understanding among students?
  • What practical skills related to The Graph and blockchain technology will students acquire from these workshops?
  • What plans do you have to ensure long-term engagement and interest in The Graph among workshop participants?
  • Can you share any success stories or notable achievements from students who have previously participated in similar workshops?

Thank you!!


Thank you for the questions. @doxe01.eth

  1. As we want everyone to be on the same page, we are starting from the basics of blockchain and smart contracts to deploying your own subgraph in around 2 hours, thereby getting the students to develop and learn about The Graph.

  2. Recently, all the colleges have incorporated the blockchain into their syllabus and with The Graph we can give the students industrial knowledge and actual use cases going on in the web3 ecosystem.

  3. To ensure maximum impact, we plan to incentivize only those who successfully deploy their subgraph, hence you can see almost all of the budget is dedicated to it.

  4. We will share a feedback form at the end of the workshops to gain insights and how we can improve on those points. Moreover, we also planned to keep a Q&A at the end for students to ask the queries.

  5. Answered in 1.

  6. The participants will acquire knowledge about Blockchain basics, Solidity, Remix, smart contracts and theoretical as well as technical knowledge about The Graph.

  7. We are inviting all the participants to join our The Graph India Telegram group where we will keep them engaged about ongoing developments and onboard more Advocates from it.

  8. So the team I am working with namely Siddhant Kulkarni, Shlok Bhargude, Sumith Prabhu and Pranav Konde have been a part of these workshops earlier and now are among the most active Advocates in The Graph.

I would to happy to answer more of these in detail during our presentation scheduled on Tuesday at 3.30 pm IST.


It was a great presentation today @0x_yasshhh.
Looking forward to see this project unfolding. I voted Yes.


This is a great initiative and a much-needed one by @0x_yasshhh.


Congratulations! The majority decision of the Grant Committee has concluded to recommend this proposal to the DAO.

In order to receive official approval from the DAO, a corresponding on-chain vote needs to be conducted on DAOHaus that will determine the DAO decision. A member of the Grant Committee will reach out to you via email with instructions on next steps in order to prepare for the on-chain funding proposal, which requires prior completion of KYC and consent to the Grant Agreement.

Thank you for all your effort to present a strong proposal aiming to grow The Graph and web3 ecosystem!


Thank you everyone for such a great support!:purple_heart:


I hereby agree to this grant agreement of the Graph AdvocatesDAO with the GitHub commit-hash 3858eb9315ef3a0a93d0701961ffbc2a57d45205. That document forms the legal agreement of the proposed grant with the following terms:

  • Scope
    • Organizing a series of workshops in major colleges in the city of Pune (India) focused on Web3 and the pivotal role of The Graph.
  • Deliverables
    • Hands-on sessions for deploying and querying subgraphs.
    • Promotion of The Graph Advocates Program.
    • Engagement through interactive Q&A sessions.
    • Collaboration with university departments for effective outreach.
    • Photos and videos from each university
  • Total Grant Amount
    • USD Value: 2,600 USD
    • Token: GRT
    • Token Amount: 15,822 GRT
  • Disbursement Schedule
    • Initial Funding: 50%
    • Upon 4 college visits: 50% (to review results if people are attending and engaging)
  • Receiving ETH Address:
    • 0x7062B738812621d5af40ae40096c4aF0d6ee9B1F

I understand that the agreement will only be executed upon a successful completion of a corresponding on-chain vote by the Graph AdvocatesDAO. I also understand that the grant will be disbursed on Gnosis Chain and that the GRT (30-day average) rate will be considered at the point of initiating a proposal, whether for the provision of initial funding or the culmination of the final payment.


The Graph AdvocatesDAO has approved initial funding of this grant proposal! Thanks to all community members that have been engaged throughout this process and providing feedback.

To the grant recipient:

The DAO is looking forward to hearing about your success! Following completion of your grant, please write a confirmation post as a response to this thread. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for the DAO to initiate the final funding amount in a future on-chain proposal. Providing links, docs and images of your completed grant will also help the DAO determine how to best promote the labors of your hard work. Good luck!

For more information on how to withdraw your grant, please review the following documentation here.

Please note, that the total amount of the grant shall be set forth in the Grant and is stated in U.S. Dollars and are payable in GRT. The USD-GRT conversion rate (the “Conversion Rate”) provided to Grant Recipient will be the monthly Conversion Rate determined by the AdvocatesDAO.

For further information, please refer to the Grant Agreement, here.

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Dear @0x_yasshhh,
We hope you are doing well.

This is a friendly reminder to submit a detailed progress report and documentation of your grant-funded project. As previously communicated, please include:

  1. Progress on Deliverables
  2. Milestones Achieved
  3. Receipts and Documentation

Providing this information will help us assess the progress and facilitate the review process for the next disbursement of funds.

We appreciate your timely cooperation and look forward to your update.

Thank you!

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Hello @PeterPan

We have our 1st event scheduled in Modern College of Engineering, Pune on 31st July.

It took time due to exams and fests in the colleges along with my transition into my new role at Edge & Node.

We have already printed all the swags required for the whole tour and I’ll be posting about the events happening here.

Thanks for following up.

Thank you for the update!

We’re glad to hear that the first event is scheduled soon. We understand the delay.

It’s great to know the swags for the tour are ready. We look forward to your posts about the events and their impact.

Please document the activities with photos, videos and participant feedback.

Thank you for your dedication.

Wish you the best.