Grant Proposal: Side event EthSamba

Grant ID: 8687vrkf2


Builders do Río. The Graph, Arbitrum & Chainlink

In the framework of EthSamba, Arbitrum Foundation, Chainlink Labs and The Graph join forces to organize an in person side event in Río, Brazil.
The workshops will take place on March 21th, 2024, at Bamba Labs (R. Visc. de Pirajá, 580 - Ipanema) and will be focused on developers and community members who want to learn more about the web3 ecosystem.

The complete agenda.

14:00 - 14:20 Registration
14:20 - 15:10 Chainlink
15:10 - 16:00 The Graph
16:00 - 16:30 Break
16:30 - 17:10 Arbitrum
17:10 - 17:40 The Graph
18:00 - 20:00 Networking

I have read and agree to the privacy policy:

Describe what your project does or is aiming to do in 50 characters or less:
In the framework of EthSamba, Chainlink Labs, Arbitrum Foundation and The Graph join forces to organize a in person side event in Rio, Brazil.
The workshops will take place on March 21th, 2024, at Bamba Labs (R. Visc. de Pirajá, 580 - Ipanema) and will be focused on developers and community members who want to learn more about the web3 ecosystem.

If available, please enter a link to your project below:

How far along are you?:
We have already organized the event, the date, speakers and topics.

Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you’re making?:
We have experience in organize this type of event. We have already organized many events with The Graph and Chainlink since 2022 and with Arbitrum since 2023.

What’s new about what you’re making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn’t exist yet (or they don’t know about it)?:
We will organize the workshop and presentations and we will provide a deeply information about the updates of The Graph.

What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
This kind of event is very important to be in contact with developers and try to onboard more people to web3. In addition of that, the event is before EthSamba hackathon, so we expect attendees use The Graph during the hackathon

How will you measure success?:
We expect at 80 people between devs and community.

What milestones will you achieve in the coming weeks/months, with or without the grant?:

Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Subgraph Developers, Other

How much funding are you looking for? (USD):

Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:

For The Graph’s birthday party in Buenos Aires, the amount spent was less than the amount requested, so we have enough funds to hold this workshop without additional money.

Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:

If yes, please describe where you’ve received funding from and how much you have, or will, receive:
The Graph Foundation, GraphAdvocatesDAO in previous events

Can you share any information about current/past web3 experience?:
I am part of The Graph ecosystem since 2020.

Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:
I am part of the AdvocatesDAO

Are you applying as a team or individual?:

What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Project (one-off)

Please select the category your project best fits into:

Primary Community Poll

Do you fundamentally support this grant application, knowing that the final scope and grant amount may differ from the requested proposal?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Grant Committee Vote

Do you recommend this grant to the DAO?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

1 Like

Hello Lorena,

Thank you for applying to host this side event at Rio de Janeiro, I’m aware people love the fireside talks at such events, but I have a few questions on this:

  • Who is going from The Graph beside you?

  • Can you supply the names and positions of the other speakers from Chinlink and Arbitrum?

  • Will the cost be shared with the other organizations participating?

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In your proposal, you mentioned expecting around 40 people between developers and community members to attend the event. However, the venue, Bamba Labs, is equipped to accommodate up to 80 people. Could you clarify this?

Thank for your question @PeterPan

1.- Emmi from AdvocatesDAO and Graphtronauts and Arturo Castanon, from AdvocatesDAO and Rollamate, both developers, will be at the side event with presentations.
In addition of that, we expect to attend EthSamba to talk with hackers and see projects.
2.- Solange Gueiros from Chainlink Labs will be in charge of the workshop. I can´t confirm the speaker from Arbitrum yet
3.- The cost of the event will be share with Arbitrum and Chainlink. Each of us will pay 33.33% of the total costs except swag.
Please take into account that the budget that I presented is not complete. We should add photographer and filmmaker.

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Thank you for asking @AliRaxaa

You are right. I made a mistake in the proposal. We will pay for 80 people. Thanks for take note of the mistake


Hey there! Thanks for submitting this proposal, Lorena. I always loved your enthusiasm for organizing events for The Graph. I’m definitely voting in favor of it!

Thank you @asadus16 !!

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Amazing pioneers and Advocates

Solange Gueiros is a famous Developer Advocate and a well-known speaker

No issues with updating the budget

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The project presentation will be in the public-voice-chat channel on the Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord server on March 26th at 10:00 UTC. Entrance is open and everyone is welcome to come in and ask their questions during the presentation!

Thank you everyone

Graph AdvocatesDAO - Grants Committee

The recording of the public presentation can be found here:
[21.7 MB]

Report Side Event EthSamba

On March 21th The Graph Spanish, Chainlink Spanish and Arbitrum Foundation organized a side event with workshops and technical presentations with focus on Developers.

1.- Agenda:

Presentation.Lorena Fabris (AdvocatesDAO The Graph)

Chainlink Functions (Lucas Archangelo Chainlink).

Subgraphs on The Graph (Arturo Castanon Graph AdvocatesDAO)

The Graph 2024. (Emilia Aguilar Graph AdvocatesDAO).

2.- Costs:

The final costs of the event for The Graph was: USD 2,260.00. The total amount has been paid with money that we have in the wallet, we didn´t use any additional amount.

3.- Deliverables:

  • We have had many developers from Brazil.
  • We have captured photos and videos (share infra with links) that show attendee interactions.
  • We have identified and contacted possible new advocates and developers for The Graph ecosystem.
  • We have promoted the Advocates Program and the Grant program .

4.- Links Photos:

5.- Videos:

6.- Tweets:


Thank you Lorena for the update
The final budget is 2,260 USD or do you still have other expenses?

The cost of the event was 2.260 USDC. Advocates has presented contribution form for their own expenses.

I hereby agree to this grant agreement of the Graph AdvocatesDAO with the GitHub commit-hash 3858eb9315ef3a0a93d0701961ffbc2a57d45205. That document forms the legal agreement of the proposed grant with the following terms:

  • Scope

  • Organize an in-person side event titled “Builders do Rio” in collaboration with The Graph, Arbitrum, and Chainlink during EthSamba.

  • Deliverables

  • Conduct workshops and presentations on March 21, 2024, at Bamba Labs, R. Visc. de Pirajá, 580 - Ipanema, focused on developers and community members to enhance understanding of the web3 ecosystem.

  • Detailed agenda including specific sessions and speakers as outlined in the grant application.

  • Gather and report feedback from participants, capturing visuals such as photos and videos of the event.

  • Provide visuals such as photos and videos capturing the event, and utilize social media platforms to promote it.

  • Total Grant Amount

  • USD Value: 2,260.00 USD

  • Token: GRT

  • Disbursement Schedule

  • Full Funding: 100%

  • Since funding is already available from previous grants, no new funds are requested.

  • Receiving ETH Address: 0x73201635125A67aebF560A5431d84138eFd1B8Ff

I recognize that the agreement’s implementation is contingent on the successful outcome of a related onchain vote by the Graph AdvocatesDAO. It’s clear to me that the grant disbursement will occur on the Gnosis Chain and that the GRT (30-day average) rate will be taken into account at the time of submitting a proposal, whether it’s for the initial funding or the final payment. Furthermore, I am aware that, as a recipient of the grant, I must submit receipts for any expenses incurred and understand that cash payments are not permissible.
Note: The requested funding is lower than anticipated because we managed to keep our costs lower than expected in a previous grant disbursed by the DAO but not utilized