Grant ID: 8676zy9un
While there is a growing demand for Rust skills across web3 and many core developer teams working on The Graph, the pool of skilled Rust engineers remains fairly small. Furthermore, there are few existing Rust learning materials with content specific to The Graph. This project aims to support the development of blockchain data indexing-focused Rust engineers by creating free and open source learning content about concepts relevant to The Graph.
Past and upcoming guide topics include:
and more
Please visit Sessions | Rust Office Hours Resources to see a few prototype guides under development.
I have read and agree to the privacy policy:
If available, please enter a link to your project below:
Are you applying as a team or individual?:
What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Project (one-off)
Please select the category your project best fits into:
Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Indexers, Subgraph Developers, Other
How much funding are you looking for? (USD):
Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:
10 Rust developer guides released over Q1 and Q2 2023. Each guide will include a reference GitHub repository of completed Rust code, in-depth written instructions and explanations of Rust and The Graph concepts covered within, and an associated video recording shared on YouTube.
For each of the 10 guides, I need to:
research Rust and The Graph content ideas
write Rust code
write documentation
record a YouTube video
Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:
What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
These guides will support the learning of current and aspiring Rust engineers in our community by covering foundational-thru-intermediate Rust concepts while engaging with domain specific topics relevant to The Graph. Growing the pool of Rust engineers in the community will benefit the long-term health of the protocol by supporting the progressive decentralization of core tech stack contributions. Furthermore, this initative supports the on-going labor needs of core ecosystem developers by helping to train the next generation of Rust engineers in our community.
What can you share about any past work that is relevant to this grant?:
I’ve previously received a community grant for my “Code Along with Alex” education project. I frequently cover Rust-based topics during sessions and post recordings to my YouTube channel. Most of our sessions use pre-existing lessons, guides, or tutorials because of the more introductory, domain-agnositc nature of the sessions. It is through preparing for these sessions that I’ve found the lack of The Graph-focused materials online for Rust engineers.
In December 2022 I became one of the co-hosts of Rust Office Hours in The Graph protocol Discord Server.
Can you share any information about current/past web3 experience?:
I’ve been a Graph Advocate and DAO member since April 2022. My Code Along with Alex project started in August 2022 and received it’s first community grant in December 2022. Coinciding with the start of MIPs I co-launched an indexer and community support organization with a few friends from The Graph community (IndexerDAO).
Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:
My involvement in The Graph community has only deepened since joining the Advocates program in April 2022. I really enjoy building, learning, and teachnig with other ecosystem participants and hope to continue doing so for years to come. I’m inspired by the technology but stay for the friendships and great conversations about “why” we’re actually building all this.
Primary Community Poll
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Grant Committee Vote (Closes on Jan 18th)
- Yes
- No
0 voters