Grant Proposal: Dapps over Apps Conference 2.0

Grant ID: 8685w8pt0


Dapps over Apps is a community that aims to onboard traditional developers, tech enthusiasts and creative builders to web 3. This movement was launched in January 2023. Since the inception of Dapps over Apps community, we have achieved the following but not limited to:

  • We hosted one of the biggest web 3 conferences in Lagos in partnership with Near Protocol. We had over 500+ attendees consisting of web 3 enthusiasts, traditional developers and creative builders. Kindly see our video:

  • Onboarded 400+ tech enthusiasts and developers from the just concluded Dapps over Apps conference.

  • We organized a workshop for decentralized application training for over 400+ web 3 enthusiasts and traditional developers.

a. Workshop 1:

b. Workshop 2:

  • We organized a start-up pitch competition to encourage builders to integrate blockchain technology to their businesses and projects.

  • Built a running database of over 700+ developers and non-developers in Africa.

  • Recently organized the biggest web 3 art & cultural event with over 600+ attendees.

  • Collaborated and partnered with leading blockchain & web 3 communities in
    Africa to educate over 500+ newbies on web 3 education and easy onboarding.

I have read and agree to the privacy policy:

Describe what your project does or is aiming to do in 50 characters or less:
Dapps over Apps Conference 2.0 is a 2-day global blockchain conference for developers and creative builders in Africa consisting of technical workshops, panel sessions, hackathon and web3 start-up exhibitions.

We aim to onboard and educate developers about indexing & querying,web 3 and the graph and its attributes through panel sessions, workshops and personal guidance.

If available, please enter a link to your project below:

How far along are you?:
January till date.

Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you’re making?:
Indexing and querying makes it easy for developers to build dApps. 9 out of 10 developers in Nigeria/Africa do not know about The Graph developer’s friendly index and query infrastructure.

Web platform need the graph to scale up their protocols and network. This conference will share light on the potentials of graph QL and help navigate developers, protocol and users on how to utilize it.

What’s new about what you’re making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn’t exist yet (or they don’t know about it)?:
Dapps over Apps is building a community for the graph in Africa amongst developers and builders. Beyond this event, we will retain our attendees, guide them through what is necessary for them to scale up their projects, and continue to engage them in latest blockchain trends.

What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
To make the graph a renowned platform in Africa for web indexing and querying solutions.

How will you measure success?:

  • Organize the graphs largest conference in Africa with over 2,000+ attendees.

  • Educate developers about The Graph and its attributes.

  • Organize a hackathon for developers to build subgraphs and integrating the graph’s APIs.

  • Start a growing community for the graph across universities, cities and countries in Africa.

  • Onboard traditional developers to web 3.

  • Organize conferences and meet up for developers in Africa

  • Create contents about The graph and web 3.

  • Articles and twitter spaces about the graph

What milestones will you achieve in the coming weeks/months, with or without the grant?:
We will organize the largest blockchain conference in Africa with over 2,000+ attendees consisting of developers, creators, web 3 enthusiasts and project founders,

Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Subgraph Developers, Other, Curators

How much funding are you looking for? (USD):

Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:

  • Venue - $1,000

  • Bounty for hacking - $1,000

  • Promotion - $800

  • Refreshment for attendees - $2,000: We are expecting over 2,000+ guest. An estimate of $2 peer head for refreshment for the first 1,000 guest to be present.

  • Welfare package for speakers and educators -$1,000

  • Workers, volunteers and ushers - $700

  • Banners, flyers and pamphlets - $400

  • Operational cost - $2,000: For 3 major team members.

  • Videography and photography - $800

  • Logistics - $300

Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:

Can you share any information about current/past web3 experience?:
Abdulkareem Oyeneye: A web 3 advocate with 36 months experience in blockchain network development and community building. He has worked with Near protocol and helped them onboard over 1,500+ active users and facilitated wallet and on chain transactions.

Furthermore, he founded a community; Near x art which focuses on onboarding creative to web 3 and charitable contributions via the use of blockchain technology and web 3 tools.

His passion for a decentralized world made him start the Dapps Over Apps movement that aims to onboard traditional developers and web 2 builder to build with blockchain infrastructure.


Emmanuel Ugwu: He is a backend developer, community manager and a web 3 enthusiast.

Adebimpe Wosilat:

Senior quality assurance manager, experienced community builder, woman in tech advocate, and event planner.

She has been involved in onboarding women to web 3. She has guided and trained women in different continent about web 3 education, blockchain technology and NFTs.


Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:
The graph solution aligns with our mission of bridging the gap between traditional developers, tech enthusiasts, creative builders and blockchain technology. We are excited about the graph unique features and amazing solution that makes it easy for developers, protocols and web platforms.

Are you applying as a team or individual?:

What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Long-term (continuous)

Please select the category your project best fits into:

Primary Community Poll

Do you fundamentally support this grant application, knowing that the final scope and grant amount may differ from the requested proposal?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Grant Committee Vote

Do you recommend this grant to the DAO?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I find this initiative promising, but I would appreciate more details on its current structure. Specifically, I’d like additional information about the technical workshops, panel sessions, hackathon, and web3 startup exhibitions.

  • Could you provide clarification on the statement “onboarded” 400+ tech students? This is impressive, but I’m curious about the process, especially considering the initiative launched in January 2023.

  • Is the target audience for each event exclusively web3 developers, or is it a diverse group of people?

  • Could you share information about other confirmed sponsors for this event?

  • Have you interacted with any of The Graph’s tooling? If yes please share github link.

Due to the complexities associated with large-scale sponsorships for conferences and hackathons, members of the Graph AdvocatesDAO have established a new team - The Events Team.

I will be closing this grant proposal as the newly formed team will assume responsibility for the review process of this proposal.

Thank you for your proposal!