Grant ID: 2wvx2b3
“Code Along with Alex” is an education initiative to build DevOps and Rust capacity in the Graph Advocates community. Coincidental with the recently announced MIPs program, I host multiple educational streams each week to demystify getting started with Kubernetes and related container orchestration/monitoring tooling. As I learn in public, others are able to follow along in real-time and ask each other questions/answer mine. Later this month I will begin incorporating Rust content into Code Along sessions to help lay the foundation for future Substreams-focused content.
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Are you applying as a team or individual?:
What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Long-term (continuous)
Please select the category your project best fits into:
Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Indexers, Subgraph Developers
How much funding are you looking for? (USD):
Have you received funding from somewhere else?:
What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
My project gives structure, encouragement, and technical support to community members looking to get started with DevOps and/or Rust, but aren’t really sure where to begin or don’t want to go at it alone. Furthermore, my project aligns with MIPs timeline and goals, so I believe my sessions can contribute towards improving overall network quality of service by empowering community members to run performant and reliable indexers. Additionally, dedicated sessions to Substreams will help community members learn the requisite skills to benefit from the dramatic speed increases provided by the technology. Most core developer teams are hiring for Rust and DevOps, so I hope this project can be the beginning of an internal talent incubator to help fill open roles in the community.
What can you share about any past work that is relevant to this grant?:
I’ve been a member of The Carpentries community ( since around 2019. As a certified instructor I’ve gained experience leading coding workshops and developing lesson curriculum for geospatial analysis with Python.
Likewise, I have experience teaching undergraduate lectures, running applied computer labs, and hosting office hours while attending graduate school.
Can you share any information about current/past web3 experience?:
Current member of Graph AdvocatesDAO (Operations and Advocate committees) and a technical teacher in the Graph Advocates program. Likewise, I attend a weekly reinforcement learning reading group with members of Edge & Node, Semiotic Labs, and GraphOps.
Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:
I’m passionate about open source software, technical communities, and decentralization of power. As a member of the Advocates program I’m honored to collaborate with smart, funny, and kind people from all over the world. We all mat have different backgrounds and interests, but we’re all working towards building a more decentralized world.
Community Poll
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Grant Committee Vote (Closes on Nov 1st)
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