Grant Proposal: Arab community (23 Oct)

Grant ID: 86863uw5j


The project raises awareness among others about the importance of The Graph project and Web3 through the following activities:

:point_right: Daily tweeting about The Graph and Web 3.
:point_right: Searching for questions on Twitter and responding to people who speak Arabic and English.
:point_right: Creating content and articles in Arabic and sharing them on Twitter, Telegram, and Medium.
:point_right: Translating educational content articles to help others become active contributors.
:point_right: Adding educational resources to my YouTube channel (which I have already done).
:point_right: Creating memes.
:point_right: Responding to community members on Telegram and Twitter, introducing them to the key roles in The Graph so they can become active participants in building the project.
:point_right: I am working on translating the website of The Graph.

I have read and agree to the privacy policy:

Describe what your project does or is aiming to do in 50 characters or less:
Raising awareness among others about the importance of The Graph project and Web3 and helping them contribute to building the future.

How far along are you?:
very good

Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you’re making?:
Because I want to be a contributor in building the future, and I have experience in this field.

What’s new about what you’re making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn’t exist yet (or they don’t know about it)?:
A community catering to Arabic speakers, given that the number of Arabic speakers is 467 million people.

What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
Raising awareness about the significance of TheGraph and Web3 and aiding others in becoming contributors to shaping the future.

How will you measure success?:
Achieving goals.

What milestones will you achieve in the coming weeks/months, with or without the grant?:

All of the following milestones have already been achieved by me in the past six months without any compensation:
:point_right:Raising awareness among others about the importance of The Graph project and Web3
:point_right: Daily tweeting about The Graph and Web 3.
:point_right: Searching for questions on Twitter and responding to people who speak Arabic and English.
:point_right: Creating content and articles in Arabic and sharing them on Twitter, Telegram, and Medium.
:point_right: Translating educational content articles to help others become active contributors.
:point_right: Adding educational resources to my YouTube channel (which I have already done).
:point_right: Creating memes.
:point_right: Responding to community members on Telegram and Twitter, introducing them to the key roles in The Graph so they can become active participants in building the project.

** Note: The grant as a form of motivation.

Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Delegators, Indexers, Curators

How much funding are you looking for? (USD):

Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:
The requested funding includes the following:

  1. Community care for the Arabic community on social media platforms such as Telegram and Twitter.
  2. Translation of important articles related to The Graph.
  3. Translation of important video content from The Graph’s YouTube channel and publishing it on my own YouTube channel.
  4. Writing articles and publishing them on my personal Medium account.
  5. Translation of articles related to Graphtronauts.
  6. Other activities that contribute to community building.

Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:

If yes, please describe where you’ve received funding from and how much you have, or will, receive:
I was previously funded by The Graph Foundation, but the funding ended more than six months ago.

Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:

  1. Decentralization: web3 aims to decentralize control and empower individuals by removing intermediaries and fostering a more equitable and inclusive digital ecosystem.

  2. The Graph helps enhance data accessibility and promote the development of decentralized applications.

  3. Innovation Potential: Web3 and The Graph offer opportunities for groundbreaking innovation in various industries.

Are you applying as a team or individual?:

What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Long-term (continuous)

Please select the category your project best fits into:
Regional Community

Primary Community Poll

Do you fundamentally support this grant application, knowing that the final scope and grant amount may differ from the requested proposal?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Grant Committee Vote

Do you recommend this grant to the DAO?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Thanks for submitting the proposal.
I have a few questions.

Can you please share your past work with links?
For how many months is this funding for?
Can you please elaborate more on how you will measure sucess?

Lastly just curious about why you decided to put a grant when these contributions can be done via individual contribution forms?

Overall looks good to me.

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Here are the links you requested:

Some memes :point_down:

Here are the articles I have written or translated :point_down:ما-هو-مشروع-the-graph/هنا-مافاتك-ومايجب-معرفته-عن-thegraphday2022/ماهو-الويب-3-وماهي-مشاكل-الويب-2؟/تعلن-انتهاء-الخدمة-المستضافة-والوصو/تعلن-اضافة-شبكة-gnosis/لماذا-قرر-القائمين-دمج-ايثريوم/شبكة-thegraph-شروق-شمس-البيانات-اللامركزية/أربعة-مجالات-للتطوير-في-thegraph/لماذا-افلست-ftx-؟/كيف-تعمل-شبكة-thegraph/تم-إطلاق-برنامج-graph-advocates-لتنمية-مجتمع-مساهم.html/ampانتقال-the-graph-إلى-arbitrum-الدليل-الكامل-للمفوضين-delegators-ddb3273def46كيفية-تفويض-delegate-الـ-grt-في-the-graph-باستخدام-محفظة-hardware-ledger-b84d239d7948تمكين-المجتمعات-اللامركزية-في-جميع-أنحاء-العالم-db1d892bbd48مستندات-graph-advocatesdao-da2c200325b8السبقراوند-subground-استعلام-عن-السبوغراف-لتحليلات-البيانات-e285dcf08d5مرحبا-بكم-في-النسخة-الثامنة-من-نشرة-بنّاة-الغراف-b6f36182bd2fتعلم-كيفية-مشاركة-stake-توكن-grt-الخاصة-بك-باستخدام-walletconnect-d8e62ca25e90تعزيز-التعاون-اللامركزي-باستخدام-بروتوكول-الغراف-f3c360b6ceacالطبقة-الثانية-l2-خارطة-طريق-لترحيل-الغراف-ونمو-التفويض-في-مشروع-أربيترم-2cf3c421cb04

YouTube :point_down:

Twitter :point_down:

Telegram :point_down:

:point_right: In terms of measuring success, I believe that one of the key factors in the success of any project is having a genuine passion for the work you do and being dedicated to it. When you possess enthusiasm and interest in what you’re doing, these factors will drive you to achieve the desired outcomes.

For instance, I recently expanded the Arab community by launching a YouTube channel and adding a series of educational videos to it, and I will be adding more in the near future. I will also soon expand the Arab community to Instagram.

This endeavor aims to reach a wider audience and increase awareness among Arabic speakers.

Additionally, I have tweeted approximately 7,000 tweets for the sake of TheGraph.

:point_right: Regarding your last question:

Lastly just curious about why you decided to put a grant when these contributions can be done via individual contribution forms?

I didn’t understand it well.
However, I have applied for this grant to be ongoing because I will be carrying out the tasks mentioned in the application continuously.

I am grateful for the time you spent discussing this with me🌹

If you have any feedback or comments, I would greatly appreciate hearing them.



I would like to start by saying that what you have described is fully covered by the advocate program, of which you are a member, if I am not mistaken. But maybe you have your own reasons for doing all this with the help of a grant.

Since we’re going to look at this as a grant proposal, I’d like to hear some answers to those questions:

  • How does this project align with the core values and objectives of The Graph and Web3? What is the target audience for this project?
  • What are the key metrics for evaluating the project’s success?
  • How have past milestones been achieved, and what learnings were derived from them?
  • How is the budget allocated across different activities proposed in the grant?
  • How does daily interaction on social media platforms like Twitter and Telegram contribute to the project’s objectives?
  • How will the creation and dissemination of memes contribute to raising awareness about The Graph and Web3?

Thank you!

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Up until now, I haven’t been particularly vocal in my comments here in Advocates Dao, mainly because in previous activities, I’ve often given the floor to other members who share similar views. However, I’d like to make a point about the Arab community in this specific context. Over the past few years, they have emerged as one of the most active groups on platforms like Twitter and Telegram.

It’s possible that their level of engagement might not be immediately evident to everyone, especially when English isn’t the primary language of communication. Nonetheless, I believe there’s a substantial opportunity in the Arab region for delegates and corporate capital to flow into projects that will ultimately benefit The Graph in the future.

Please note that this is just my personal perspective.

I must mention that I’ve always been attentive to the efforts of the Arabic community, and it has added significant value for me, especially when I’ve taken the time to translate the Arabic content.

Adam’s dedication remains consistently high, whether it’s in the form of creating content or supporting the Arabic community on Twitter. I can’t precisely gauge the number of active supporters he has within the community, but if he has managed to achieve all this single-handedly, it’s truly an outstanding accomplishment.

I sincerely hope to see him remain active here for many years to come.


Q1/ I am putting in great effort to convey the project’s idea and its importance as the backbone of Web3. I explain the core roles of TheGraph and have helped many become Delegators. I have also published numerous articles and educational resources about TheGraph and Web3.

Q2/ The primary target audience is Arabic speakers, as there are approximately 470 million Arabic speakers worldwide, including 22 Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Kuwait, and others.
I interact on Twitter with both Arabic and English content, answering questions and directing users to the necessary links.
I search on Twitter using TheGraph#
to answer questions because the individual in the world of digital currencies is important to me because they embody the snowball effect, as they may engage in discussions with their friends in other specialized groups that discuss digital currencies.

Q3/Q4/ As mentioned earlier, dedication and commitment to work are key factors in the success of any project. For example, some people comment that they only truly understood the project due to the efforts of GRTARAB, as I respond to everyone’s inquiries and provide articles and educational resources in Arabic.
I have also assisted numerous individuals in becoming Delegators.
One person sent me privately, informing me that they bought one million GRT and only became familiar with TheGraph project due to the contributions of GRTARAB. And in turn, I explained to them the roles of TheGraph and provided them with the necessary explanations in Arabic in case they wanted to become a delegator.

Q5/ Regarding the distribution of funds:
The main purpose of the grant request is to manage the Arabic community ,but I added advocate roles to make the Arabic community more integrated.
The total amount requested in the grant is $1950, which includes all the tasks aimed at covering the essential aspects to increase awareness among Arabic speakers.
I work full-time and not part-time, and there are numerous tasks that I need to accomplish. I require effective time management to complete all these tasks. I am the sole person responsible for these tasks, so I will need a significant amount of time to fulfill them.
:point_right: Managing the community takes up a significant amount of my time.
:point_right: Twitter requires a lot of time because I don’t just tweet and close the application. Instead, I continuously search on Twitter for everything related to The Graph and interact with others, offering assistance when needed. As a result, I have around 7,000 tweets for the Graph because I genuinely care about everyone, which demonstrates dedication to the work.
:point_right: Creating memes takes hours.
:point_right: Writing an article in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner, gathering information, and supporting it with real-life examples to ensure the reader gains the maximum benefit without feeling bored. This process takes a considerable amount of time as I strive to present it in the best possible way.
:point_right: Managing YouTube, whether by publishing my own educational content or translating resources from TheGraph, consumes a significant number of hours to complete.
:point_right: Summarizing TheGraph news in a suitable manner, translating it into Arabic, and sharing it within my community and on YouTube requires hours of work.
:point_right: Some people in the community request weekly, monthly, and quarterly statistics. Gathering and formatting the data manually also takes time.
You can say that everything I mentioned in my grant application requires a significant number of hours, and there are other additional matters that the community needs.
In summary, I work alone and handle all of this on a full-time basis, not part-time. To accomplish everything.
I hope this provides a clear understanding of my request.

Q6/ Social media platforms are considered the number one in receiving information, promoting, and discussing a specific idea. Therefore, they are essential and important.

Q7/ Memes effectively convey the project’s idea to viewers, whether directly or indirectly.
Adding a tweet with an expressive image grabs the reader’s attention to the post. When someone sees a thread, the image captures their attention and motivates them to read it.
Personally, I find memes useful for contributing to content spreading, which is why I sometimes allocate a few hours for them .
In fact, TheGraph previously organized two competitions for this purpose.
Additionally, they will be a crucial element when opening an Instagram account.
As mentioned before, I believe that digital currencies are subject to the snowball effect, and dedication and commitment to work from all aspects are necessary.

Thank you for giving me your time :rose:

If you have any feedback or comments, I would greatly appreciate hearing them.

Thank you very much for your kind words and appreciation of my work. Your encouragement motivates me for continuous improvement.

Thank you again​:rose::rose:

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This is really cool, and I am glad to see such initiatives regarding the development of the Arab community. Because I agree that I see a trend of developing this number of native speakers who are generally developing and supporting the culture.

My thought here is that you have to understand one thing. The grant process takes a lot more time than just filling out a form to verify your work and to approve it afterwards.

In terms of time, it takes at least 1 month. And this is if the grant committee sees it necessary to fund the proposal. I in no way say that your work is bad or that you will not succeed, I am just giving you all the things that are ahead of you.

Thank you! And good luck!


I want to express my gratitude for the time you spent listening and sharing your thoughts with me🌹

Hello Andy, I really appreciate your opinion and sharing the feedback, it will help us to make the right decision!

Out of curiosity - how did you translate into Arabic? :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:


The presentation of the project will be in the public-voice-chat channel on the Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord server on November 7th at 18:00 UTC. Entrance is open and everyone is welcome to come in and ask their questions during the presentation!

Thanks everyone for your attention!

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The majority decision of the Grant Committee concludes to not recommend this proposal for DAO funding. Please recognize that this is not a statement on the proposal itself, but rather an aggregated reflection by committee members taking into account a number of factors, such as alignment to The Graph and web3 ecosystem, budget available to support grants and prioritization relative to other proposed grants.

Below you find brief feedback brought up within the committee to not recommend DAO funding that may help you to submit successful grant applications in the future:

At this stage, what is provided in the proposal falls entirely within the scope of the advocates’ work. In order to save resources, both on the part of the DAO and the advocate, it was decided not to support this proposal. A possible option is to fill in the PoC form in order to more accurately check the work of the advocate as well as other relevant things.

Thank you for submitting this proposal, and you are encouraged to stay engaged in the Graph community. You are also welcome to submit new grant applications in the future with proposals that may generate stronger support from the committee.

Graph AdvocatesDAO

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Thank you for informing me about the committee’s decision🌹