Grant ID: 86863uw5j
The project raises awareness among others about the importance of The Graph project and Web3 through the following activities:
Daily tweeting about The Graph and Web 3.
Searching for questions on Twitter and responding to people who speak Arabic and English.
Creating content and articles in Arabic and sharing them on Twitter, Telegram, and Medium.
Translating educational content articles to help others become active contributors.
Adding educational resources to my YouTube channel (which I have already done).
Creating memes.
Responding to community members on Telegram and Twitter, introducing them to the key roles in The Graph so they can become active participants in building the project.
I am working on translating the website of The Graph.
I have read and agree to the privacy policy:
Describe what your project does or is aiming to do in 50 characters or less:
Raising awareness among others about the importance of The Graph project and Web3 and helping them contribute to building the future.
How far along are you?:
very good
Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you’re making?:
Because I want to be a contributor in building the future, and I have experience in this field.
What’s new about what you’re making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn’t exist yet (or they don’t know about it)?:
A community catering to Arabic speakers, given that the number of Arabic speakers is 467 million people.
What’s your vision for how your project will impact The Graph and/or web3?:
Raising awareness about the significance of TheGraph and Web3 and aiding others in becoming contributors to shaping the future.
How will you measure success?:
Achieving goals.
What milestones will you achieve in the coming weeks/months, with or without the grant?:
All of the following milestones have already been achieved by me in the past six months without any compensation:
Raising awareness among others about the importance of The Graph project and Web3
Daily tweeting about The Graph and Web 3.
Searching for questions on Twitter and responding to people who speak Arabic and English.
Creating content and articles in Arabic and sharing them on Twitter, Telegram, and Medium.
Translating educational content articles to help others become active contributors.
Adding educational resources to my YouTube channel (which I have already done).
Creating memes.
Responding to community members on Telegram and Twitter, introducing them to the key roles in The Graph so they can become active participants in building the project.
** Note: The grant as a form of motivation.
Please select who you think will benefit from your project?:
Delegators, Indexers, Curators
How much funding are you looking for? (USD):
Provide a breakdown of your requested funding:
The requested funding includes the following:
- Community care for the Arabic community on social media platforms such as Telegram and Twitter.
- Translation of important articles related to The Graph.
- Translation of important video content from The Graph’s YouTube channel and publishing it on my own YouTube channel.
- Writing articles and publishing them on my personal Medium account.
- Translation of articles related to Graphtronauts.
- Other activities that contribute to community building.
Have you applied for (or already received) funding from somewhere else?:
If yes, please describe where you’ve received funding from and how much you have, or will, receive:
I was previously funded by The Graph Foundation, but the funding ended more than six months ago.
Why are you interested in contributing to The Graph and/or web3?:
Decentralization: web3 aims to decentralize control and empower individuals by removing intermediaries and fostering a more equitable and inclusive digital ecosystem.
The Graph helps enhance data accessibility and promote the development of decentralized applications.
Innovation Potential: Web3 and The Graph offer opportunities for groundbreaking innovation in various industries.
Are you applying as a team or individual?:
What type of grant are you pursuing?:
Long-term (continuous)
Please select the category your project best fits into:
Regional Community
Primary Community Poll
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Grant Committee Vote
- Yes
- No
0 voters